Bullying Veveonah: YB, is your ego so precious and fragile?


YOUR OPINION | “Even if it were true, the vice ministers should not openly accuse an 18-year-old student of being a liar.”

Kudat MP duplicates on Veveonah, then removes Facebook post

Veveonah’s brother challenges deputy ministers to visit a rural village

P Pillai: Since joining Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak have been marginalized. The division of Malaysia’s wealth has been disproportionate to the contribution to the federal coffers of these two states.

Whenever state or federal elections are held, there is a rush to promise major infrastructure improvements, often abandoned after the elections.

This is a clear case that Internet services are ignored in the East Malaysian states. Rather than defend ill-thought defensive comments, Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Zahidi Zainul Abidin and Vice Minister of Finance Abdul Rahim Bakri should recognize and improve services.

Right now, we are facing childish and ridiculous reactions from our “leaders” whose only credentials appear to be to support the backdoor federal government.

So it’s great to see a young Malay (Veveonah Mosibin’s brother Mekvin) challenge the deputy ministers to come and see for themselves, rather than sitting in their luxurious Putrajaya offices and pretending to represent the rakyat.

Malaysia may claim to be heading to the First World state, but just drive out of the Klang Valley and see the desperate state of the people. I am appalled that the same poor villagers continue to vote the same people for Parliament election after election.

Vijay47: You cowardly thugs, ministers, politicians and lecturers … all of you should be ashamed to join a hapless young woman.

You have all been pitching out one out after another against a poor girl whose only crime was that, like Oliver Twist, she asked for more, better internet services in her town.

And for this, you arrogant adults, consumed by power and position, have jointly attacked her. Is your ego so precious and fragile that you can’t bear a request that misrepresents your contributions to society?

It no longer matters whether Veveonah was wrong or wrong in her complaint, our support is with her. After your initial weak apology, you should have stopped there, Zahidi. Instead, you went on and on and worse, you brought others similar to you in your abusive ways.

We don’t know how all this pressure will affect you. Who knows, he might eventually choose to finish his studies rather than face constant harassment, no doubt for his satisfied smile.

Now Veveonah’s brother has come to his defense. He has put it in very simple terms: it is not just internet service, but all the basic comforts of life that we, the luckiest ‘orang bandar’ (city folk), take for granted.

And that this deprivation still exists 55 years after independence shows the abysmal failures that you and your in-laws have been. Not only in its location, but in almost all rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak. By the way, Mekvin isn’t even asking for a swimming pool in your backyard.

I suppose your immediate response would be to have the police run a background check on this young man who would dare to challenge you both vice ministers.

Do you drive a motorcycle without a helmet, do you even have a driving license? Don’t forget your school records and grades – here you can get the enthusiastic help of so-called professors and university professors. Do you subscribe to Malaysiakini? Are you a member of DAP?

I’m sure you wish you never opened your mouth to criticize Veveonah, you never dreamed that a simple village girl or her brother would beat up a Malaya Orang minister and his partner. So tell me, Zahidi and Abdul Rahim, are you two tough guys going to accept Mekvin’s challenge?

Or is his heroic bullying limited to girls?

Jaycee: Mekvin, don’t waste time asking the deputies to visit you. These people live in a world of their own and have no idea how difficult life is for others. Most MPs live in nice houses (some with swimming pool), chauffeured and eat at expensive restaurants.

And if there is a water outage, the tanker will show up at your house to recharge the pool. So how do you expect them to know what life is like without the Internet, clean water, plumbing fixtures, and electricity?

EM: When will Malaysians learn to stop referring to these cretins as ‘yang berhormat’ (YB)?

The other problem with most Malaysians is their crippling laziness that prevents them from scrutinizing candidates running for election. By lazily voting for the party instead of the person, all varieties of vermin enter Parliament, polluting it with their stupidity, vulgarity, and serious lies.

It must be remembered that the party has no interest in getting top-level, high-caliber, service-oriented people to represent it. The criteria have always been top winning candidates, even if you have a fake degree from a fake university.

The tailless amphibian show jumping party we’ve witnessed for the past year and now this latest show of imbecility from Kudat’s Deputy Minister should make the electorate think before they vote.

But since that’s not likely to happen, given the fact that the vast dirty majority have been successfully muted for six decades, the country can continue to suffer these fools while helping themselves to the benefits and privileges of office. undeserved.

If there is a silver lining to what has turned out to be the scandalous state of rural education in digital Malaysia (in 2020), it is that Western Malays have been given a rare glimpse into the lives of underprivileged people who are also they call Malaysians. – out of sight and definitely out of the mind of the scheming politicians who traditionally play poker with East Malaysian votes.

Juxtaposing the image of the girl climbing a tree to get internet connection for an online exam with the photo of that family in Shah Alam, Selangor, frolicking in the pool in the middle of a water crisis, we realize something worse than the palpable. racial divide engineered by unscrupulous politicians: the hideous economic deprivation that festers like a festering sore in a state ruled for decades by centibillionaires, be they gray-haired or periodically bearded.

Be it Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s Pejuang or Anwar Ibrahim’s PKR or Muhyiddin Yassin’s Bersatu / Umno / PAS, we know this is the state of affairs after all his routine demagoguery and turmoil for six decades … using the same endemic poverty to become the billionaires and billionaires that you are today.

Nothing is likely to change anytime soon because those disabled by deprivation will be too busy making a living (or climbing trees to connect to the Internet) to bring about a change in the policy they suffer.

That is why MPs from Kudat and Padang Besar continue to use them for profit and abuse them when cornered.

IndigoKite6964: Big thugs, that’s all these grown men are. So what if Veveonah wants to be a YouTube sensation?

If Kudat’s MP is jealous and wants to be too, he can. Take home the point that internet services in Sabah are poor, post a video of yourself in a tree banging on your smartphone.

Even if Veveonah invented everything, so what? YouTube is full of made-up stuff. I guess there is nothing better to do for these two vice ministers than criticizing young girls on Facebook is probably fun.

BlueShark1548: Agree. Even if it were true, vice ministers should not openly accuse an 18-year-old student of being a liar. They should have taken into account the trauma it caused to a young man and the stigma that goes with it.

Now that the deputy ministers have been proven wrong, they should apologize and not blame it.

Rather, they should make a double effort to ensure that rural areas in Sabah, Sarawak and other parts of Malaysia have good internet connections.

PurpleParrot0865: Bersatu. One for all and all for one (but only between them). Anyone seen as a threat, as one, will knock you to the ground.

For them, everything that is happening to them is something like the will of the Almighty. They demolish Parliament with bulldozers. They replaced a speaker with one that will answer them and dine (an expensive one) with them.

They replaced our ballot boxes and voted at the Sheraton, where they cast their own ballots, blatantly asking what’s in it for us and me.

This case does not surprise me. But chasing such a young person from one to another? My only question for the deputies, can they have some dignity?

Jaded: So we must vote to change these vice ministers and ministers who stay in their ivory towers.

Those who do not think before speaking. Those who do not sympathize with people. Those who only care about getting rich.

They don’t deserve our respect. They don’t deserve our time. They work for us. They should fear us.

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