Leave Veveonah alone and stop the blame game


YOUR OPINION | ‘If the minister were smart, I would thank him for highlighting the problem …’

Information from Kudat MP – Deputy Minister who accused Veveonah of lying

IndigoKite6964: We have so many excuses why the infrastructure for better Internet coverage in Sabah and Sarawak cannot be expanded. The reasons given were problems building towers on native lands and theft of generators.

Here is a University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student who needs the internet to take her exams online. Why can’t a base station be built in places like UMS and rural school complexes and at the same time provide power to schools that need it?

If there is a will, there is a way. Necessity is the mother of invention. I would say that Veveonah Mosibin has more will than our desperate MP Padang Besar and Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Zahidi Zainul Abidin.

Zahidi blames Kudat MP Abdul Rahim Bakri. Rahim blamed the UMS professor (not identified). Meanwhile, PAS blamed the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its minister’s failure to comply with mandatory quarantine. It is as if blaming did things and the problem disappeared.

As a last resort, when no one buys the story, blame DAP.

I think netizens should also stop blaming these VIPs, very idiotic people. Instead, we must help all these backdoor frogs to quickly jump out the front door. It’s time we gave new blood a shot.

The Wakandan: The fact is that in Sabah and in many rural areas of Malaysia, poor or no internet connectivity is not far-fetched at all. If the vice minister was smart, I would thank the student for highlighting this issue.

At the very least, he could get some funds to solve it and he would have scored some brownie points with the villagers. But the deputy minister did not know it and was quick in defense.

What’s wrong with these people? Chronic inferiority complex?

Vijay47: Far from presenting a defense or even a mitigation regarding his disgraceful conduct, Zahidi has proven himself to be a worthless bully, unworthy of any position.

As is typical of Umno leaders, you refuse to take responsibility for your abject failure and, as is customary with Umno, you strive to blame anyone other than yourself. He even has the nerve to claim that the DAP politicized the issue.

Rather than apologize as any man of honor would and end the matter there, you insist on wanting to “double check”, refusing to consider the impact of all this continued attention on the poor girl.

You, the deputy from Kudat and the USM lecturer are teaming up against a defenseless girl. By the way, since when did our crop of college professors and professors come with honor and intelligence?

Veveonah’s only misfortune is that he doesn’t come from a family with a pool. She is a poor small town girl who dreams of success in her life despite all the obstacles placed by leaders like you.

From now on, will the young woman be left alone to chart her path in life, or will she face endless harassment from her cronies in college for daring to speak out about the lack of basic services in her town?

When this entire issue has been appropriately modified, it won’t surprise me that Veveonah is accused of fake news and bringing shame to that shameless university.

Zahidi, you did not speak ill in Parliament, you embarked on a brutal conceited attack on the student, devoting most of your response to attacking Veveonah.

The only positive side here is that since your original false statement was made in Parliament, disciplinary proceedings can be initiated against you. Let’s see what that other hero, House Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun, will do.

Meanwhile, for the love of God, leave the girl alone.

EM: Not a day goes by before another jerk emerges from the murky depths of politics to assure Malaysians that the country is in the dirty hands of shady characters.

We had the quarantine flouter Khairuddin Aman Razali who has confused investigators on how he managed to inflict Parliament with his presence without the knowledge of his cabinet colleagues and how he was later fined with the director general of Health apparently without knowing anything about it.

Before that, of course, the country, and indeed the World Health Organization, were simultaneously elated and confused by the preventive prescription of the country’s Health Minister. warm water repel Covid-19.

And now, so soon after the filthy masses finally cleaned themselves and their homes, long after their elected representatives and relatives had plunged into swimming pools, we are presented with this UiTM Diploma of the “great padang” near the Thai border whose non-parliamentary assault on a disadvantaged student (and the mythical Red Bean Army and the DAP) is as shocking as the now publicized post graduate degree.

Hmmmmmmmm: Zahidi, when you first heard about the problem, we expected you to find out if the lack of internet connectivity is true. Instead, he wanted to check if the girl was lying about taking her exams online. How exactly would knowing that solve the connectivity problem?

If I were the lecturer, I probably would have given you the same answer as well, as your question is not relevant.

He started off well by apologizing and explaining how he misunderstood the message. But as soon as you mentioned DAP, you lost all credibility and sincerity. Immediately, we can see that he was simply politicizing the whole issue.

You should have remained a rubber tapper. At least you would have been productive.

Mafeeah: So what if your parents are farmers or you are a farmer? What matters is what you are today and it does not suit you, even if you are a deputy and vice minister.

Don’t bother to tell us your background. How do you live today? Do you have to suffer like the rakyat who voted for you?

We stand in line for water, we struggle to survive with high prices for goods and services, and we have to deal with waste and corruption. What are you doing about it? Who cares which family you come from!

IndigoCat9464: The always guilty DAP narrative of Perikatan Nasional / BN / Umno / PAS will never end. The people of Sabah and Sarawak must stop supporting these politicians and wake up from their slumber.

The people of the peninsula did their best to incorporate an alternative government in the last general elections. Give PKR and Syed Saddiq’s new party Syed Abdul Rahman another chance to lead.

There will definitely be a lot less corruption and more money for the rakyat to have a decent life.

And we can stop having ‘otak udang’ ministers at six thirty running this beloved country.

New day: Zahidi, you used what turned out to be incorrect information. You made a great song and danced to it at the time.

Then his online army of sympathizers and puppets got unpleasantly stuck in Veveonah. However, here you are complaining about the reaction online when you found out you were wrong.

Yes, you have apologized and expressed your desire to get to the bottom of the problem. I think your apology is genuine, but seriously, don’t complain if you’ve been hit by this.

By the way, you have changed the background of this controversy; initially, it stated that its investigators had provided the information. That is not the case now.

I am awaiting BN’s standard election announcement of 5,000 wireless towers to improve connectivity, just as such election promises had been made in Chini and Slim.

Dr. Dani: He is the one who messes up and throws himself under the bus for no reason imaginable against a defenseless innocent young woman.

Now he dragged his “informants” under the bus along with him as if that was a good defense. Just fire him. This is not a leader.

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