Parents play an important role in the literacy rate of children


PETALING JAYA: The attitude of parents is largely to blame for their children’s inability to read and write.

Many parents, especially those who never had an education, do not see the need to send their children to school, thus perpetuating the illiteracy rate in the country, according to two scholars the Sun spoke to yesterday.

Associate Professor Faizah Idrus, who works at the Faculty of Education at the International Islamic University, said that many parents would prefer that their children start working for a living at an early age.

“That, for them, is a way to help meet the basic needs of the family,” he said.

It regrets the fact that, although education is almost free in Malaysia, there is still a small percentage who still cannot read or write.

Faizah said that poor living conditions, as well as mental and physical disabilities, also play an important role in causing illiteracy.

“Not everyone can have the same level of education due to their living conditions. In addition, children with learning difficulties are often enrolled in regular schools, which makes it difficult for them to keep up.

“All stakeholders, from government to citizens, have a role to play in solving this problem.”

As well as making education free for all, as in the UK, flexible hours can be introduced in schools to give children a break between classes, he said.

A 2018 survey by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization showed that the literacy rate in Malaysia is 94.85%, ahead of Thailand with 93.77%, but behind Singapore. , which has a literacy rate of 97.34%.

But all three nations are behind Kazakhstan, which boasts a high literacy rate of 99.78%.

As the world commemorates International Literacy Day today, the need to raise awareness of the importance of improving literacy has never been more urgent.

“Not only does it have a significant impact on a child’s progress, it can, by extension, also have a negative impact on socio-political conditions and the economy,” said Assistant Professor Sharon Wilson of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Wilson is a professor in the College of Creative Industries.

He said the inability to read and write will have an impact on employability and health and could lead to criminal activity and other social problems.

Wilson noted that basic reading and writing skills are the foundations of everyday life.

“For example, you must be able to read labels, make payments or sign documents.”

She believes that the biggest impediment to literacy is the lack of access to education, especially in rural areas and among those in the B40 group.

“There are many possibilities. Some families may not be able to send their children to school because the closest school is still too far away. Or they may not have access to resources like a library, but the mindset must change in order to move forward. “

He noted that the government has redoubled its efforts to bring education to various rural communities through community projects such as the establishment of a library.

But ultimately, parents and the wider community have an important role to play in cultivating the habit of reading in their children.

Read this story on our iPaper: Parents play a big role in children’s literacy rate
