Kudat MP in hot water for criticizing Veveonah


KOTA KINABALU: Another MP has gotten into trouble after getting into the issue surrounding college student Veveonah Mosibin, whose videos of her walking through the jungle and climbing trees to get an internet connection to study went viral.

Kudat MP Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri criticized Veveonah in a Facebook post for allegedly risking his safety when he decided to spend a night in a tree for a better internet connection in his village in the northern district of Pitas.

The Vice Minister of Finance continued the line of the Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin, of blaming the girl for trying to gain visits by posting the YouTube video.

Veveonah has denied this and recently uploaded his test schedules online from June 9 to June 12, prompting Zahidi to apologize.

However, Abdul Rahim questioned his comments and maintained that there was no final exam conducted online by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) during that time.

“It’s just a normal online conference,” he said, citing information received from a speaker at UMS without saying when this information was allegedly collected, whether it was just after the video went viral or recently.

He said the professor also informed him that the students were allowed to return to campus and stay during that time, which was still during the motion control order (MCO).

Abdul Rahim said that the lecturer also advised students who preferred to stay in their places of origin to go to the city or its nearest towns, district offices or schools to continue their studies online.

The deputy minister further claimed that his officer, a native of the neighboring village of Veveonah, had spoken with the young woman’s village chief and her own village chief about her family background and living conditions.

“From what these two village chiefs have told me, their parents have been living outside their village for years, as their father works in the town of Pitas,” he said in the post on Monday (September 7).

“So what I don’t understand here is how you can claim to live in Kg Sapatalang when they don’t even have a house there.” I ask.

On this, Veveonah had explained that they were squatting with relatives and on a church lot while waiting for their house in the village to be rebuilt.

This was explained shortly after his treetop video went viral on social media. In June, she also explained that she chose to stay in the village as it was during the motion control order (MCO) and that she wanted to help her parents on their farm as they were also not working due to the MCO.

Abdul Rahim’s comments on Facebook did not bode well for social media users, with many urging him to watch other Veveonah videos to fully understand the problem of poor internet connection in the village.

They also told him to focus on the serious problem of poor connectivity in rural areas.

Others were angry that his comment seemed to be blaming Veveonah.

“What are you trying to say? You are supposed to defend the people in your constituency, not blame others.”

What is the use of asking UMS if there is an exam or not? The problem here is about the Internet, ”Firdaus Ridwan said.

Meanwhile, in a social media video clip showing Zahidi speaking at a press conference outside Dewan Negara on Monday, the deputy minister said Abdul Rahim had told him that Veveonah had no exams the day he uploaded his video about the top of a tree.

Furthermore, the Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, had claimed that Zahidi’s statements against undergraduate student Veveonah were in error and that he would rectify them.
