Actress Diana Danielle queues for water; wants punishment for water polluter


Actress Diana Danielle is adding her voice to the chorus of many Malaysians who want water polluters to be punished for their actions.

Diana used Instagram to express her disappointment at a factory allegedly responsible for causing the recent odor pollution in Sungai Gong.

As a result, a water shutoff had to be implemented on September 3, affecting 1,292 areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

“I am waiting for the authorities to strongly punish the water polluter, since this is not the first time, right? … And for it to happen again during the pandemic, it could have caused another group (Covid-19)”, wrote. the 5th of September.

In another post, Diana showed a photo of herself queuing up with her neighbors to fetch water.

He added that water polluters are obliged to repeat their mistake again if their punishment is not strong enough, as a compound of RM60,000 only equates to a slap on the wrist.

“What about small businesses that depend on water? What about the elderly and the infirm? Then there are hospitals, nursing homes, neighborhoods and schools. The risks are so great during this really fragile time.”

The 28-year-old actress even had a direct message for those responsible:

“To all the factory owners, listen, if you don’t know how to properly handle your industrial waste and you don’t have a civic conscience, then don’t set up your factories.

“You have caused millions of Malaysians so much trouble. Educate yourself first.”
