Australia says Covid-19 investigation is reasonable, not targeted at any country


CORONAVIRUS The | Australia’s calls for an independent investigation into the origins of Covid-19 are “reasonable” and not directed at any specific country, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Wednesday.

Bilateral relations between Australia and China have deteriorated in recent weeks after MorrisonPhoto) requested investigation of the origins of the new coronavirus.

Morrison insisted that his call was not an attempt to criticize China, and while Canberra’s biggest trading partner may feel underrated, Australia will continue to push for the review.

The new coronavirus is believed to have originated in China late last year and has infected more than three million people worldwide.

“What Australia is after is not a goal,” Morrison told reporters in Canberra.

“This is a virus that has claimed more than 200,000 lives worldwide. It has closed the global economy.

“The implications and impacts of this are extraordinary. Now, it would seem completely reasonable and sensible that the world would like to have an independent evaluation,” he said. Reuters

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