Trump denies report that he spoke disparagingly of US war dead


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly denied a magazine report that said he had spoken disparagingly about fallen American military personnel buried in Europe and refused to visit an American cemetery during a trip to France because he considered it. without importance.

“The Atlantic” reported that Trump, a Republican running for re-election who has touted his record of helping American veterans, had referred to the Marines buried in an American cemetery near Paris as “losers” and refused. to visit in 2018 due to concerns that the rain that day would ruin her hair.

Trump told reporters Thursday that the story was false.

“To think that I would make negative statements to our military and fallen heroes when nobody has done what I did,” for the United States armed forces, Trump said. “It’s a total lie … It’s a shame.”

The president said he did not go to the cemetery because the weather prevented a helicopter flight. The alternative, a long drive, would have meant passing through busy areas of Paris and the Secret Service objected, he said.

“The Secret Service told me, ‘You can’t do it.’ I said, “I have to. I want to be there.” They said, ‘You can’t do it,’ “Trump said.

“The Atlantic” did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment outside of normal business hours.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who leads Trump in national polls ahead of the Nov.3 election, emphasized his own commitment to helping members of the military in response to the report.

“If the revelations in today’s Atlantic article are true, then they are another indicator of how deeply President Trump and I disagree on the role of the President of the United States,” Biden said in a statement issued by his campaign.

“And if I have the honor to serve as the next commander-in-chief, I will make sure our American heroes know that I will stand behind them and honor their sacrifice, always.”

As a presidential candidate, Trump made negative comments about the now-late Senator John McCain for being captured during the Vietnam War.

“He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t caught, “Trump said in 2015 when he was running for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump said Thursday that he disagreed with McCain, but still respected him.

“I was never a fanatic. I will admit it openly,” Trump said. “He didn’t agree with John McCain. But he still respected him.”

(Reporting by Alexandra Alper, written by Jeff Mason, edited by Lincoln Feast)
