India reports 83,341 cases of Covid-19, the highest record in one day as the total approaches 4 million


NEW DELHI, Sept. 4 (Xinhua): India’s Covid-19 (coronavirus) count rose to 3,936,747, as the death toll rose to 68,472 on Friday, the latest data released by the federal Health Ministry showed.

Up to 83,341 new cases and 1,096 deaths were registered during the last 24 hours throughout the country.

This is the highest peak in a single day of new cases of Covid-19 in the country so far.

There are 831,124 active cases throughout the country, while 3,037,151 people have been cured and discharged from hospitals.

The Indian government has stepped up testing for the virus in the country. According to the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), a total of 46,679,145 tests had been performed as of Thursday and 1,169,765 tests had been performed on Thursday alone.

India entered Unlock 4 phase with effect from Tuesday, and new guidelines were issued last Saturday to follow during Unlock 4.

According to the new guidelines, schools will remain closed until September, although 9-12 students have been allowed to approach their teachers in schools for guidance.

Metro Rail services could be restarted from September 7 in a staggered manner, and public functions or other congregations would be allowed with a limit of 100 people from September 21 – XInhua
