MP SPEAKS | Strengthen standard operating procedures instead of banning foreigners from red zones


MP SPEAKS | On September 1, Chief Minister (security group) Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced a total ban on entry to Malaysia for citizens of India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Yesterday, Thursday, September 3, he announced that this ban will be extended to countries with more than 150,000 total cases of Covid-19, including the United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Spain, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Bangladesh.

This ban, which was announced to start on September 7, 2020, includes citizens of these countries who are permanent residents in Malaysia, those who have Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) status, expatriates with valid work permits in Malaysia. and including those with Visitor Passes (PVP), those with Residential Passes, spouses of Malaysians who have spouse visas and students who have valid student visas to study in Malaysia.

Instead of this blanket ban, we should strengthen our standard operating procedures (SOPs) for foreigners traveling from the red zones to Malaysia and ensure they go through a proper quarantine process …
