Kanye West reveals why he interrupted Taylor Swift’s speech at 2009 VMAs


There was a collective gasp that was heard around the world as rapper Kanye West took the stage at the MTV VMAs and took the microphone from Taylor Swift, who was halfway giving her acceptance speech after winning Best Female Video for You belong to Me in 2009.

“Yo Taylor, I’m so happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!” he stated.

West, who was a guest speaker on comedian and television host Nick Cannon’s podcast. Cannon class – reviewed the incident on September 1 and talked about what inspired his actions.

“If God didn’t want me to run up on stage and say, ‘Beyonce had the best video,’ I wouldn’t have sat in the front row. I would have been sitting in the back.

“He wouldn’t have been the first prize. And he wouldn’t have come up with such a ridiculous idea because he had never heard of this person (Swift) before that night. And Single Women it’s like one of the best videos of all time. “

The presidential candidate touched on other topics during the podcast, including staying out of Forbes‘list of billionaires last year and the time he was hospitalized in the middle of his tour in 2016.
