Abu Kassim: Government Officials Should Sit Aboard GLCs


PUTRAJAYA: Government officials should be appointed to the board of the government-linked companies (GLC), says Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed (Photo).

The director general of the National Center for Governance, Integrity and the Fight Against Corruption (GIACC) said this was to ensure that the GLCs observe and practice governance.

“But the important thing is that those who are given power, position and authority are of great integrity.

“It is the person himself rather than where he comes from,” he told the Anti-Corruption Forum on Thursday (September 3).

Abu Kassim said that under the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP), various initiatives have been put in place to combat corruption.

These include getting legislators to declare their assets and writing a law on political funds.

The NACP was launched last year with the goal of making Malaysia a corruption-free nation by 2023.

Abu Kassim also noted that the previous government had also made it a point not to appoint active politicians to run government-linked companies.

“This initiative is part of the NACP. Then there was a change of government.

“I had talks with Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin about the plan.

“He agreed that those appointed to the GLCs should be professionals and integrity should be one of the elements to consider,” he said.

On political finance legislation, Abu Kassim said Parliament’s select committee is reviewing the draft.

It will then be taken to the Cabinet for finalization before the Political Fund Bill can be presented.

“I must say that I am happy with the draft. We have had extensive discussions with all political parties on the subject.

“I describe it as a balanced bill,” he said.
