Johor Baru businesses ‘die’ after travel ban


Johor Baru businesses ‘die’ after travel ban

Angie tan

Angie tan

Updated 19 hours ago · Published on September 2, 2020 7:00 AM M.

The Causeway between Johor (above) and Singapore lacks its usual bustle after both countries imposed travel bans to stop Covid-19 infections. – AFP Photo, September 2, 2020.

BUSINESSES in Johor Baru are taking a major hit without the usual support from Singaporeans or Malays returning from the island republic due to strict border controls brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, trade groups said.

They told The Malaysian Insight that nearly 50% of their business comes from either Singaporeans or Malaysians who live there, but the strict travel arrangements imposed by both countries are forcing many businesses to close.

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