Oct 15 Najib SRC International appeal case management


Najib Razak is appealing against his 12-year jail sentence and RM210 million fine for abuse of power, CBT and money laundering in his SRC International case.

PETALING JAYA: The Court of Appeal set October 15 for handling cases, which is the first step, to hear Najib Razak’s appeal after he was found guilty of seven corruption charges in relation to RM42 million belonging to SRC International.

Defense team member Farhan Muhammad Shafee said the court record provided the case handling date shortly after Najib filed a notice of appeal on July 30.

“However, we have not received the records of the appeal and the written judgment of the trial judge,” he said.

High Court Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali has eight weeks to provide his written reasons for sentencing the former prime minister.

Court personnel will compile the appeal records that include the judgment, evidence notes, and evidence for the prosecution and defense.

Attorney KA Ramu, who is not involved in the case, said the defense would have to file an appeal petition within 10 days of receiving the appeal records to indicate where Nazlan had made a factual mistake and the law.

He said that the prosecution also has to give its reason why the judge was wrong, as he was appealing against the inadequacy of the sentence against Najib.

“The Court of Appeal can set the dates of the appeal hearing only after the appeal records are ready and both parties have filed their appeal requests,” he said.

On July 28, Nazlan sentenced Najib to 12 years in prison and ordered him to pay a fine of 210 million ringgit after finding him guilty of abuse of power, breach of trust (CBT) and money laundering.

Nazlan has allowed Najib’s request to waive the jail sentence and fine, as he managed to convince the court of the special circumstances for the waiver pending appeal.

However, Najib’s bail was raised from RM1 million to RM2 million in two guarantees, which he published on July 29.
