Johor PH aims to retake power through former MB Osman


Johor PH leader Aminolhuda Hassan (left) says he hopes Osman Sapian of PPBM will switch sides.

PETALING JAYA: Johor Pakatan Harapan has prepared the welcome mat for PPBM’s Osman Sapian, who has been in contact with old friends from the coalition, in the hope that others from PPBM will return and help regain power in the state.

Johor PPBM boss Aminolhuda Hassan said today that the coalition would welcome Osman with open arms if he decides to leave PPBM.

Osman, who is an assemblyman from Kemas, was kissed by Johor when Pakatan Harapan was in power before PPBM left the coalition to form the National Alliance with Umno, BN and PAS.

Perikatan Nasional has 29 seats in the state assembly, of which the PPBM has 12. Pakatan Harapan, which now comprises PKR, DAP and Amanah, is in opposition, with 27 seats.

Aminolhuda told FMT that Osman has been in contact with his old friends in Pakatan Harapan. “They have met, there have been meetings,” he said, but declined to reveal details.

“We would welcome him if he returns to PH to form the government, on the condition that the administration is stronger and better since before this, we had already formed the state government,” Aminolhuda said.

He added that there would be a “hanging” state assembly if Osman switches sides, as both parties would have 28 assembly members each.

“That is why I invite our friends who were with PH to return because before this we had good and bad times together; it is better if we form the government together in an environment where people can accept us, “said Aminolhuda.

“It’s better if they (PPBM assembly members) come back, four to five people instead of just one. It could be that Osman is not happy with Perikatan Nasional. “

Osman was mentoring kissing for 11 months and resigned in April 2019 in a controversy over his academic grades.

Recently, a video that went viral showed a man, believed to be Osman, campaigning for Amir Khusyairi Mohamad Tanusi, the independent candidate in Slim’s by-elections. Amir represented the Pejuang party formed by the former president of the PPBM, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

In the video, the man says he is still a PPBM leader but criticizes the party for deviating from its original struggles.

Osman has said that he went to Slim only to meet his old friends and denied that his trip there had anything to do with politics.

Aminolhuda said Osman had already met with Johor PH leaders even before the video came out.

Yesterday, Johor PPBM head Mazlan Bujang said that the state leadership will leave it to the party’s disciplinary board to decide on any action against Osman in connection with the video, as the state chapter does not have the power to take action against the members. .
