Muhyiddin: Better if Sabah is aligned with the federal government


KOTA KINABALU: It would be better if the Sabah government aligned itself with the federal government, says Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“Imagine if Sabah is one with us (the federal government), it would be better,” he said, announcing some of the previous funds allocated to Sabah and developments brought to the state in a meeting with public officials here on Saturday (Aug 29). .

Muhyiddin added that Sabah’s chief minister, Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, had been his friend for a long time and they had worked together before.

“I hope the message reaches the grassroots, the people,” he said.

Also speaking about the Philippines’ claim to Sabah, Muhyiddin said that he would not compromise Sabah’s sovereignty.

“We will never give in and we will never give in to their claims. Sabah is an integral part of Malaysia and we will fight to the end to defend Sabah and its borders from intruders and illegal immigrants, ”he said.

At the beginning of his speech, he said that Sabah was his second home and he wanted to foster a better relationship with public officials and the people here.

He also urged department leaders to come up with suggestions and think outside the box to improve services, adding that red tape must be eliminated and everyone would have to work as one to get through these tough times.

“Our economic growth is between -2% and 0.5%, and it is still weak, although things are starting to move slowly,” he said.

Muhyiddin also recognized the sacrifices of the leaders since the beginning of the pandemic and the order to control movements.

“The entire nation also did its part by listening to orders and staying home. This requires a high level of discipline, so thank you all, ”he said.

He said that if there was one thing Covid-19 had taught the government, it was that there were many things that needed to be improved and should have been in place a long time ago.

Giving an example, Muhyiddin said that when things came to a standstill and more industries like education went digital, issues like a lack of internet connectivity were highlighted.

“This is our fault and we must learn from it,” he said.

He also said that although Malaysia was recognized as one of the best countries in the world to deal with Covid-19, the pandemic remained a problem and would continue to be for a long time until a vaccine was found.

“Even if Malaysia is already free of the virus, but our neighboring countries and the rest of the world are still fighting it, that would mean that we are not out of the woods yet,” Muhyiddin said.


Sabah, Federal Government, Muhyiddin Yassin, Prime Minister, Philippines, Covid-19, Civil Service
