Live news about the coronavirus: ‘exiles’ from Paris are told to return to the city when the shutdown ends, as cases in the United States exceed one million | World News


How France prepares to end its closure on May 11, the government has released a number of key dates for the gradual reopening of public life, Kim Willsher, reports the Guardian correspondent in Paris.

Everything will depend on the spread of the virus. If there are still too many cases, the blocking restrictions will not be relieved. In any case, decisions on where to ease the restrictions will be made in consultation with local authorities and will differ in different regions.

A decal that says

A decal that says “for all our health, leave this seat free,” taped to a seat to encourage social distancing among commuters on the Paris metro Photograph: Thomas Coex / AFP via Getty Images

April 30th: The head of the health authority, Jérôme Salomon of French public health, will begin to give data on the virus in each French department in his evening coronavirus figures. This data will be used to decide where blocking restrictions will be eased and where some can continue.

May 7th: Depending on where the virus is “circulating”, each department will be designated as “green” where restrictions will be lifted on May 11 or “red” where it cannot.

May 11: The masks will be available to the general public. Stores, excluding shopping malls and centers, and companies will reopen. Public transport will be in operation, but the masks will be compulsory and half of the seats on trains, subways, trams and buses will be left empty to maintain social distance.

The nursery and primary staff will return to work to prepare for the reopening of the establishments. Places of worship may reopen, but services will not be performed. Some parks will open in areas designated as “green.”

May 12: Nursery schools and primary schools reopen. Children in groups no older than 10 years without contact between them.

May 18: The lowest two years of high school (college in French) are opened. These are 6ème – ages 11-12 and 5ème (12-13). Classes of 15 students maximum, mandatory masks for students and teachers, and hand gel will be widely available in schools.

May June: A decision must be made about when bars, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and cultural establishments can reopen.

June 2nd: New restrictions or restrictions will be introduced depending on the presence and spread of the coronavirus in the previous three weeks.
