4 Amazon Echo settings that make it easy to talk to Alexa



You can change the communication skills of Alexa.

Ian Knighton / CNET

You ask Alexa to do dozens of tasks throughout the day, from turning on the lights to playing music on your Amazon Echo speaker. But did you know that you can also change the way Alexa communicates with you? We will tell you how to enable these settings and more so that you have a better experience with your Amazon Echo.

Read on to learn how to fix Alexa communication problems on your Amazon Echo. ($ 60 on Amazon).

Change Alexa speech speed

If your Amazon Echo is talking too fast or too slow for you, it can tell you to speed up or slow down. Just say “Alexa, speak faster” or “Alexa, speak slower.” You can also reset it to your default speed by saying “Alexa, talk at your default speed.” Alexa has seven conversation speeds: four faster, two slower, and the default speed.

Echo can play a sound when Alexa is activated

Once you have updated your Amazon Echo, there is another feature that is especially useful for when you are not in the same room as your Echo. Is named Request sounds and plays a sound at the beginning of your request and at the end. For example, when you say “Alexa,” you will hear a noise to let you know that you have activated the device.

To enable this feature, open the Alexa app and tap Devices > All devices > select your echo> touch It sounds > and activate the switch to Application start and End of request.

Hear shorter responses from Alexa

If you don’t like it when Alexa repeats everything you say, you can activate a setting called Brief mode for shorter answers So instead of Alexa saying “OK, turn on the lights”, it will just say “OK”.

To activate the settings, open the Alexa app menu and select Configurations. In the Alexa Preferences section, tap Voice responses, then turn on the switch to Brief mode.


Activate brief mode to hear shorter responses from Alexa.

Chris Monroe / CNET

I whisper to Alexa

Another setting you’ll appreciate in the middle of the night is Alexa. Whisper mode. This setting allows Alexa to whisper to you. You don’t even have to open the Alexa app for it, just whisper to the voice assistant and it will automatically activate the low tone.

Now that you have the updated Alexa communication settings, here it is four main Amazon Echo features to perfect and improve now, three irritating hobbies of Amazon Echo and how to fix them and six Amazon Echo settings you won’t regret changing.

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