COVID-19: Most infected patients linked to religious schools in Malaysia were asymptomatic, says ministry of health


PUTRAJAYA: Most of the COVID-19 patients linked to tahfiz, or religious schools, in Malaysia were asymptomatic, the Ministry of Health said on Thursday (May 14), warning against a possible spread within local communities if not take preventive measures.

The director general of the Ministry of Health, Noor Hisham Abdullah, said in a press conference that 539 of 635 positive patients had no symptoms, but were found to have COVID-19 when tested.

“A total of 12,384 were evaluated in total, of which 635 were positive. Of this number, 84.9 percent were asymptomatic, which is a very worrying trend.

“This 539 did not have any symptoms and this can lead to further spread of the virus to the family if these students return to their families,” he said.

He urged students who returned home to contact the nearest hospitals or health departments for immediate examination and evaluation.

“Students who have not gone home should avoid doing so. The school administration is urged to contact the nearest health department or hospitals, ”he said.

The ministry has focused its attention on 370 madrasas and tahfiz in the country, where there are around 20,000 teachers, students and staff.

As of Thursday, there have been six COVID-19 tahfiz groups in Malaysia, four of which are linked to Sri Petaling’s Tabligh event in a mosque. More than 30 percent of positive cases in Malaysia have been related to this event.

Currently, 38,679 people have been evaluated in relation to the Tabligh event, of which 2,351 tested positive.

Furthermore, Dr. Noor Hisham said, more than 1,000 private madrasas did not appear for examination.

“We urge that they be examined immediately as they pose a risk not only to themselves but to their families and the surrounding community,” he said.

Separately, the CEO announced 70 new recoveries, bringing the total number of recoveries to 5,351.

“As of May 14, there are 40 new cases, of which 31 are foreigners. This brings the total number of positive cases to 6,819.

“Of this, the number of active cases is 1,356,” he said.

He added that one more death was recorded, bringing the total number of deaths to date to 112.

READ: Malaysia may tighten COVID-19 restrictions again after May 18 if cases escalate: Ministry of Health

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Earlier on Thursday, the Religious Affairs department of the Prime Minister’s office announced that all selected mosques and surau in the federal territory will be able to pray on Fridays from May 15.

Minister Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri said in a statement that his department had brought the matter to the King after many areas were marked as green zones.

“The King has agreed to our suggestions, which include allowing Friday prayers in all mosques and certain Surau. In addition to that, Tarawih’s daily prayers and Hari Raya’s annual prayers will also be allowed.

“It was also decided that the prayer meeting would have no less than three people and no more than 30 people. This decision was made after a meeting with the National Security Council, “he said.

He also said that the administration of the mosques and Surau would need to involve the authorities to ensure public compliance. Members of religious facilities should also ensure that all security protocols are followed.

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