Alleged drunk driver accused of killing police officer expected to be charged in court


PETALING JAYA: The alleged drunk driver who made his way through a motion control order (MCO) blockade on May 3 and killed a policeman in court Wednesday on Wednesday (May 13) is expected. .

Selangor CID chief, Communications Assistant Datuk Fadzil Ahmat said the case was referred to the Director of the Selangor Prosecutor’s Office and that the police were accused of accusing the suspect.

“He is expected to face four separate charges.

“We will charge you under Section 44 (1) of the Highway Transportation Act of 1987 for driving under the influence of alcohol and not stopping in an obstacle under Section 26 (1) of the Police Act,” he said in a statement Tuesday (May 12).

He said the suspect would also be charged with driving without a valid driver’s license under Section 26 (1) of the Highway Transportation Act of 1987 and Rule 3 (1) of the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Regulation 2020 for challenging to the MCO.

“The suspect is expected to be charged in the Kajang Sessions Court at 9am on Wednesday,” he said.

On May 3, a police corporal died when a suspected drunk driver crashed into him in an obstacle on the Lekas ​​road.

The victim was identified as Corporal Safwan Muhammad Ismail, 31, who was attached to the Kajang Police Headquarters.

He was buried on May 4 at Ipoh, Perak.
