China calls on Myanmar’s political parties to initiate dialogue and stop violence


BEIJING, April 4 (Global Times): China hopes that various political parties and factions in Myanmar will initiate dialogue and consultations as soon as possible, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

China is seriously concerned about the violence and bloodshed in Myanmar, which hurts the people of Myanmar. Restraint must now be observed to avoid aggravating the situation there, Hua Chunying, the spokesman, said at a daily press conference in Beijing.

Hua expressed concern about the current tensions in Myanmar and called on all parts of the country to start a dialogue as soon as possible to bridge the differences. And he suggested that the international community does not interfere in its internal affairs.

China and the Asean countries have many points in common on the Myanmar issue and will work closely with Asean to promote peace talks there, Hua said.

Myanmar is a member of the Asean family and a neighbor of China.

China sincerely hopes that all parties and factions in Myanmar will take into account the long-term interests of the country, initiate dialogue and consultations as soon as possible to bridge differences within the constitutional and legal frameworks, and continue to push forward the process won. of democratic transformation, Hua said.

The ministry also said that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi discussed the situation in Myanmar with Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan and Malaysian Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein during their meetings. during the last two days.

“China is seriously concerned about the violence and bloodshed in Myanmar, which serve no one’s interests, and it is the people of Myanmar who suffer in the end. We hope that all parties will take into account the fundamental interests of the people from Myanmar, exercise restraint, prevent the situation from escalating and spiraling out of control, and remain committed to alleviating tensions through dialogue and consultation, “Hua said.

China believes that the international community should, under the premise of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, which is the basic norm of international relations, create a solid environment for political reconciliation in Myanmar, Hua said. – Global times
