Hadi, what has the PAS done to promote unity?


YOUR OPINION | ‘Your greatest threat and fear is when the rakyat unite …’

Hadi’s advice to Umno: don’t play rough and provoke a split

Goliath: PAS Chairman Abdul Hadi Awang, if you mean that disunity means that all Malaysians have to support Perikatan Nasional (PN), a single coalition, then the answer is wrong. That is not unity.

Malays are united on the basis of the Islamic religion and are raised as Malays under our national constitution. It is not when everyone joins the PAS or the PN. Do you know the difference?

The PAS is an embarrassment to this country and a force of utter destruction for modern Malaysia. Do not subscribe to such false and intolerable political ideals.

BusinessFirst: Disunity arises in this case because when everyone is greedy and wants the cake for themselves and their cronies, they will fight tooth and nail for it.

Whoever is in a position to award lucrative contracts, obtain large allowances, etc., will be able to reward himself, his family and friends.

In fact, there is a shared “unity” between Umno, PAS and Bersatu. They are united in greed, exploitation, corruption and lies.

When you are in it for the money and not to serve the nation, then of course you will fight and get stabbed in the back to climb to the top and get the rewards.

All this talk about unity is just using religion and race to justify abysmal behavior. Many upright-thinking people, including my Muslim friends, are dismayed by the antics of these political leaders.

Dr. Raman Letchumanan: Hadi, can you get this in your head for once? There is only disunity or rather acrimony among the Malay political class, who fight only for their own interest, dodging the ordinary rakyat as much as possible.

Please don’t blame these infighting on the masses. This is haram, to say the least. Please do not lie when the Malaysian political class is causing disunity and division among Malays and worse still, causing dissension between Malays and non-Malays.

It is only about taking the power, position and wealth that is paramount for all of you, pledging the interest and well-being of the rakyat. In fact, their greatest threat and fear is when the rakyat joins in to some degree, as in GE14.

I hope everyone has some conscience left, not caring about displaying holiness in every corner and corner.

Hugs and kisses: If you are so genuinely passionate about ummah and Malay unity, why not dissolve PAS and join Big Brother Umno or Bersatu to begin with.

In his heart, he knows that if there are three leaders and three parties, there can never be unity of the ummah. A hill cannot have three tigers. Why not take the initiative and lead by example?

Sacrifice yourself and be a follower. Join Umno or PAS and then preach about the unity of the ummah.

FairMalaysian: “Ummah here means all Muslims and non-Muslims who are not extreme,” Hadi said.

Hadi is lying through her teeth. Before he gives a sermon to Malaysians, tell him to give a sermon to Kedah menteri kissing. Your kind of racial and religious extremism has destroyed this country.

The hoo-hah on the court’s decision on the use of Allah and Hadi’s comments show nothing more than her utter disrespect for the rule of law.

Kawak: Hadi, your insistence on the unity of the ummah is only to exploit the current political formula in which neither political party has dominant control in Parliament.

You exploit race and religion to lead the PAS to the PN government and achieve your political agenda. His talk about the unity of the ummah is really a sham.

Don’t forget your ‘Amanat Hadi Awang’ which caused tension and hatred among Muslims in PAS and Umno some time ago. Non-Muslims are also affected by his speeches.

Gerard Lourdesamy: Why are you so scared, Hadi? Go ahead and compete in GE15 only with Bersatu. With Allah on your side, I am sure that you can defeat Umno and BN, as well as the infidels in Pakatan Harapan.

Umno has always championed Muslim unity since 1955. It was the PAS that divided the Muslims, followed by Bersatu.

LoveMalaysia2: This obsession with unity, especially religiously, is useless. People have different opinions, regardless of their faith.

Umno has proven incapable of dealing with their doomed leaders. The PAS is too focused only on Islamic issues to the detriment of a united country.

Insisting on unity ignores the unique people of Sabah and Sarawak. Politicians in Malaysia are a group of selfish, greedy and unprincipled individuals.

ScarletTurtle6152: Hadi, can you, as president of the PAS, simply state or list what you or your party have done for Malaysia in addition to sowing the seeds of disunity?

How has PAS contributed to the growth of the Malaysian economy, the creation of jobs for the majority race, quality education, etc.?

To contribute to the well-being of the country, one must have foresight and, of course, “brains”, and truly love the country and its citizens.

FairCritic: Just be good and don’t hurt others. You don’t need any religion to teach you that.

But the preaching of the PAS and the extremists are different: safeguarding one’s interests by eliminating all others. Ultimately, they will also eliminate each other.

OrangeJaguar9341: Horrified at the idea of ​​losing power, position and benefits, politicians are turning to playing the race and religion card. This is a sad and tired strategy.

Zan Azlee’s article is worth reading ‘Who is really divided, the Malay or Malay political parties?

Oh, for a truly Malaysian Malaysia, am I asking too much?

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