Singapore considers allowing Muslim nurses to wear tudung


Lee Hsien Loong says that any change should be considered carefully and gradually. (AFP photo)

SINGAPORE: The Singapore government fully appreciates the growing socio-religious significance of tudung (head covering) for Muslim Singaporeans and the desire of some Muslim nurses to wear the tudung with their uniform if they so wish, Prime Minister Lee said Hsien Loong. today.

“We are currently considering how this can be done,” he said in a response to Singaporean Mufti Nazirudin Nasir, who wrote to express the Singapore Islamic Religious Council (Muis) support for the government’s deliberations on allowing nurses to use the tudung.

Lee, who shared the mufti’s letter and response on his Facebook page today, thanked Muis and the asatizah (religious teachers) fraternity for participating in government consultations on the issue in recent years.

According to Lee, Singapore’s racial and religious harmony is based on treating everyone equally without prejudice or discrimination, and building a national identity shared by all communities, while allowing each community to practice its faith and style of worship. life.

“We have done it through mutual accommodation, commitment and building the trust of all groups.

“Over time, we have reached a delicate balance that considers the interests of all communities. But this balance is dynamic, ”Lee said.

As the younger generations of Singaporeans grew up and attitudes changed, Lee said new issues and pressures emerged that need to be addressed with the Singapore context in mind.

“Any changes we make must be considered carefully and gradually. Only then will all communities understand and accept the changes, and the results will reinforce, rather than weaken, our racial and religious harmony. “

Before finalizing the letter, the prime minister said he looked forward to working with Muis to strengthen social cohesion and make progress for the Muslim community and all Singaporeans.
