The reason why Umno hates DAP


YOUR OPINION | “They are worlds apart and Umno cannot accept this.”

Umno had to work with the ‘dwarf’ party to keep the DAP out of government: Ahmad Jazlan

We ordinary people: Ahmad Jazlan Yaakub, head of Kelantan Umno, why are you so anti-DAP? DAP is a legally registered political party.

The people who voted for DAP are legitimate Malaysian citizens and most of them are taxpayers. What did DAP do wrong that you are so unhappy about?

What about the Perak DAP? support for for Umno who brought down the kissing mind and the Umno state assemblyman became the new kissing mind? How ungrateful can you be?

Iammi: If DAP is what it takes to make Umno leaders afraid of being involved in 1MDB, SRC and other scandals, so be it.

Fear in God doesn’t seem to work for these people. We Rakyat will continue to support DAP. Even Malays like me will turn our backs on Umno.

IndigoKite6964: @Iammi, if you fear an opponent, it is only because he is a worthy opponent. If Umno fears DAP so much, at the same time, they grant the possibility that DAP is able to rule.

Frankly, I see that only political parties that represent the whole range of Malaysians will survive, and they are the appropriate parties to rule Malaysia.

The Chinese have left the MCA because they realize that being part of a coalition with all races represented just to be dominated by one race is not going to be good for the country.

Is the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition a representation of Malaysian unity? Not even close. In any event, it represents disunited Malaysia.

Let’s make Umno experience her fears. Let’s throw out all parties based on race and religion. Let Malaysian rule Malaysia. One thing is for sure, if that happens, foreign direct investment (FDI) will pour in.

PW Cheng: Umno hates DAP not because he is anti-Malay, but because DAP is efficient at controlling Umno over his shenanigans and massive corruption.

I’m not a fan of DAP, but if there’s one thing I don’t like about DAP, it’s the arrogance of some of its leaders.

In terms of good governance and management, they are worlds apart and that is why Umno cannot accept this and as usual can only make use of race and religion to defend himself.

Vladivostokian: The Umno president, embroiled in money laundering and other financial crimes, is probably resentful that Umno’s top leaders are not appointed to cabinet posts.

For example, the president and vice president are not in Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s cabinet, while the leaders of lower-ranking parties are.

Muhyiddin has his own reasons for not including Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in his cabinet: He did not want leaders with pending court cases to tarnish his “clean-looking” cabinet.

Umno is a tainted party. Many of its leaders have pending court cases. It seems that Umno members have no qualms that their leaders are involved in shady activities, for example money laundering and bribery.

Milshah: We have followed this path before: DAP blames Umno, Umno blames DAP. For 60 years, we were like this. Nothing new here. Pakatan Harapan was the way out of this trap. But he was beaten into submission.

All this I said while Harapan was still the government. Now, here we are, back to where we started to infinity. Stay if you can. Don’t stay if you can’t. It is going to be a very long journey.

The Wakandan: In the end, as we can all see, it is about money. If you’re from the government, you control the purse chain.

Depending on how honest you are managing the country’s assets, however, you make the decision. The decision can only be in your favor. You decide what that advantage would be.

Have we ever wondered why Malaysia’s path to becoming millionaires or billionaires is through politics?

What about race and religion? That was fixed a long time ago. They are being kept alive now so that the government can rule in perpetuity.

Do we honestly think that race and religion are in danger? That’s the most ridiculous assumption because who else in government has almost total power?

For Umno, DAP are always the spoilers. This is because only the DAP can prevent your hands from dipping into the cookie jar. Once DAP is out of the way, no one will be looking.

The rest are lined up, ready to catch whatever crumbs are thrown at them. They don’t care that most of it is in the hands of the older brother as long as they have the bone.

Libra: Ahmad Jazlan, the measure of reality, my friend, is that you forgot the origin of Umno and the PN coalition.

You had a common enemy: the enemy is non-Muslims and the DAP.

Now you are confused, which way to go? You take PAS. Can they do what you cannot do? They are actually redundant – you can do what you can.

So you are undecided: to work with Bersatu or not? The culture of the good life and the absence of work is being challenged; there are too many in favor, so what to do?

The only safe journey is to have more honorable men and women to rule. Find them if you can. Otherwise, you have to live with filth.

JayWai: Having the DAP in government, even if it was only for a short period of 22 months, gave me an idea of ​​what good governance is and raised my hopes that Malaysia will finally soar again.

We have been ruled for over 60 years by people who lined their pockets, milking even Tabung Haji and Felda for their own benefit. And yet they dare to go out and vilify DAP.

So that we do not forget that what I

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