Guan Eng criticizes the PN for creating ‘a permanent state of crisis’


The Umno-PPBM division has deprived Muhyiddin Yassin of his parliamentary majority, says Lim Guan Eng. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: Perikatan Nasional was accused today of being “in a state of permanent crisis” and Malaysia “in a state of permanent political crisis” as a result of being led by a minority government.

DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng, making the accusation, said that the open split between Umno and PPBM, both partners in the PN government, showed that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had lost his parliamentary majority.

He said Malaysia was in a permanent state of political crisis because it was in the hands of a minority government.

Muhyiddin’s loss of majority came despite PN having engineered defections of PKR MPs, he said.

Lim said that the Muhyiddin government had been saved from losing a vote of confidence only by the suspension of Parliament under the state of emergency and the presence of “a servile president, who serves the interests of Muhyiddin more than the Parliament that previously had. sworn to defend and protect “. .

He highlighted a list of problems, ranging from the economic recession, falling foreign investment and harsh penalties for movement control violators, showing PN’s failure in government.

Lim also attacked PAS Chairman Abdul Hadi Awang and former PKR Vice Chairman Azmin Ali, who is now with PPBM and is a high-ranking minister.

He accused Hadi of hypocrisy in arguing that people under the age of 18 were not mature enough to vote.

“PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang should explain why PAS has set the age limit for PAS members even lower, at 13,” Lim said. “18-year-olds are not mature enough to vote, but 13-year-olds are mature enough to be PAS members,” he said.
