Government May Administer Single Dose Covid-19 Vaccines to People in Rural Areas


BAGAN SERAI (Bernama): The government is considering single-shot Covid-19 vaccines for those living in rural and inland areas, says Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr. Noor Azmi Ghazali.

He said this was after taking into account several factors, including logistics and the location of rural communities.

“Those who reside in inland areas may find it difficult to return (to receive a second vaccine). The government will likely use the single-shot vaccine like CanSino (from China), but so far, we have not received it yet. ,” he said.

He said this after officiating the 21st Annual General Meeting of the Bagan Serai Branch of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Association (ATM) in Dewan Komuniti Bagan Serai, here on Saturday (March 27).

So far, Malaysia has gained access to Covid-19 vaccine supplies through Covax facilities and initial purchases from five Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers including two-dose vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac Life. Sciences Co Ltd (Sinovac) and CanSinoBIO. and the single-dose Sputnik V vaccine from Russia.

It was previously reported that Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said that all parties, including public and private agencies, must come together to make phase two of the Covid-19 vaccination program a success, which has seen a low enrollment rate, especially in rural areas. – Bernama
