The records of more than two million people linked to crimes were updated


KUALA LUMPUR: The records of more than two million people linked to various crimes have been updated, said Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador.

He said that previously, the records of these people could not be updated in the agency’s data system due to various limitations, including the failure of the information filling system and technical problems.

“The fact that part of the personnel in charge of completing the information has completed their service or has been transferred to other units is further aggravated,” he recently told Bernama.

Abdul Hamid said that with the record update process 100 percent complete, it would be easier for the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) to conduct criminal background checks on individuals and share them with other government agencies.

Citing an example, he said that if Wisma Putra asked PDRM to perform verifications on a list of names of 1,000 people, it could do so simply using the data processing method.

“Everything can be verified through the updated file. We can obtain detailed information about a certain case from the assigned investigator, ”he added.

Abdul Hamid said that any individual who has committed crimes will not be spared from having his name registered in the system.

“Imagine, if you hire a drug dealer … that should be avoided,” he said. Called
