The Ministry of Transport proposes to extend the period of renewal of the road tax for another two months


YONG PENG: The Minister of Transportation has proposed that the renewal period of the road tax for private vehicles be extended for another two months from March 31.

Minister Datuk Seri, Dr. Wee Ka Siong, said that he has discussed with the director general of the Department of Road Transport (JPJ) an extension and the necessary preparations to be carried out.

“I have asked JPJ to come up with a detailed proposal outlining the technicalities and the mechanism before we can announce it next week (this week) because it also involves post offices, logistics and resources.

“We estimate about 1.3 million vehicle owners with expired road taxes from the previous renewal extension and we don’t want to add another 1.3 million expired road taxes from the next extension.

“That would just be delaying the problem. This is why it is vital to have an effective plan in place, for example to allow renovations to take place in phases over the next month to first address outstanding late payment of road tax.

“We also don’t want to cause difficulties and health risks when people crowd at JPJ and post offices to renew their road tax when the extension period ends.

“Give us a few days to work out the details,” he said at a press conference after visiting the Covid-19 vaccination awareness program in Taman Kota here on Sunday (March 21).

He said the proposed extension was in view of the high number of Covid-19 cases in states such as Johor, Selangor, Penang and Kuala Lumpur.

However, he added that vehicle owners should ensure that vehicle insurance is still valid to prepare for any accidents or damages.

The ministry had previously granted all private vehicle owners a renewal extension for Motor Vehicle Licenses (LKM) and Competent Driver Licenses (CDL) from February 1 to March 31.

This was to alleviate public concerns regarding the expiration of their licenses and to comply with health standard operating procedures to avoid overcrowding in public places.

On the other hand, Dr. Wee welcomed the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to carry out investigations into his ministry, including the JPJ, for any breach of integrity.

“We let MACC investigate the allegations and it will be necessary to take severe action against the culprits.”
