Lee Hwi Jae’s Agency Releases Statement Regarding Online Sale Of Brave Girls’ Signed Album


Lee Hwi Jae’s agency Cube Entertainment released a statement after their signed Brave Girls CD was seen being sold online.

On March 21, Cube Entertainment stated, “Lee Hwi Jae’s manager at the time was in charge of taking care of the signed albums he received from the singers in the car. Remember that the Brave Girls CD was also kept in the car along with the others. It is difficult to determine the circumstances in which this CD left your possession. Regardless of the reason, we apologize for not having properly cared for the gift with the precious message. We apologize to Brave Girls and their fans. We will take better care of gifts in the future to ensure this issue does not reoccur. “

On March 19, a post with a photo of Brave Girls’ third mini album, “High Heels,” which was released in June 2016, was uploaded to an online community. The photo album had a signed message dedicated to Lee. Hwi Jae saying, “Hello, Lee Hwi Jae sunbaenim. We met on the set of ‘Vitamin’, but do you remember us? Our album this time is really cool, we hope you’ll hear it. “The poster in the photo stated that they had bought the album second hand and wrote:” This album became a hot topic after Brave Girls became a topic. Sizzling, and no one was buying this, so I just bought it. “

Brave Girls is currently enjoying a surge in popularity after their 2017 song “Rollin ‘” went viral online. The song has now achieved a perfect all-kill on the charts, and the girl group has won six music trophies so far for the song after promoting it again after four years.

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Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews

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