Pemerkasa: General MCO may not be needed in future


KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said today that the application of a general Movement Control Order (MCO) may not be necessary in the future, thanks to the implementation of the National Covid-19 Immunization Program.

The prime minister said that the government’s strategy to curb the spread of Covid-19 will involve a more specific approach based on science and data to reduce the negative impact on the country’s economic activities.

“Movement control will only be applied by locality and will focus only on the groups involved,” he said in his special announcement on the Strategic Program to Empower People and the Economy (Pemerkasa) worth 20 billion ringgit broadcast by television today.

The targeted approach is among the 20 strategic initiatives of Pemerkasa and is grouped under the first approach of the program, to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Muhyiddin also referred to the National Covid-19 Vaccination Program that officially began on February 24, aiming to provide free immunization to around 80 percent of Malaysian residents, both local and foreign.

He said that under Pemerkasa, the government also agreed to increase the allocation to RM5 billion from RM3 billion previously to achieve herd immunity by December this year, faster than the initial target for the first quarter of next year.

“To achieve this goal, 15,000 workers will be assigned to almost 950 vaccination centers throughout the country.

“Taking into consideration the increased tasks, the government agreed to extend the Covid-19 Special Assistance of RM200 per month to officials involved in the immunization program at vaccination centers,” he said, adding that more than 300,000 people have received the first vaccine injected so far.

Meanwhile, in accordance with the 2021 Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance, the prime minister said that stricter standard operating procedures (SOPs) and transparent law enforcement will continue to be implemented to curb the spread of Covid-19, as well. as to protect workers.

In the framework of the new ‘Safe @ Work’ initiative, which will be open for registration on April 1, the government agreed to grant an additional tax deduction on the rent of premises and shelters for workers to participating companies.

The Prime Minister explained that the voluntary program of the Ministry of Industry and International Trade (Miti) required participating companies to provide suitable workplaces and accommodation for their workers.

“Expenses that qualify for the additional tax deduction are limited to RM50,000 for each company registered with Miti and passed the Safe @ Work compliance audit.

“Companies registered with Miti for this program will be able to operate in conditions where workers in close contact are isolated from the local community and other workers placing them in a ‘safe work bubble’ until all workers are confirmed to be safe.” , He said.

Additionally, Muhyiddin said that employers who organize Covid-19 screenings for their workers will also qualify for an additional tax deduction for costs incurred through Dec. 31.

Muhyiddin also said that under Pemerkasa, the government agreed to extend the 3.0 Wage Subsidy Program for three more months with a more targeted approach that is expected to benefit 400,000 workers and 37,000 employers with an allocation of RM700 million.

He said the government realized there were still sectors affected and that the extension would include the tourism, wholesale and retail sectors, as well as other businesses that were closed during the MCO, such as gyms and spas.

“As of March 5, the government has channeled more than RM14.4 billion to fund the wage subsidy program that has helped 2.7 million workers and more than 330,000 employers,” he said.

In addition, the prime minister said the government would continue to improve the Penjana Kerjaya 2.0 program under the Social Security Organization (Socso) by expanding the scope of the hiring incentive to include temporary and labor economy jobs.

He said this included setting aside an allowance of RM300 million, which will benefit 60,000 workers, with each worker receiving RM600 a month for up to three months.

For employers offering short-term jobs or gig service providers registered with Socso, they will receive RM200 for each worker.

He said that for the internship program under Penjana Kerjaya, the government also agreed to extend the duration of the program to six months from just three months earlier, with each new intern receiving an incentive of RM800 per month.

To tackle the unemployment problem, Muhyiddin said, under the National Employment Council that was established last year, 66,000 job opportunities out of a target of 500,000 have been successfully created this year since last February. – Called
