You don’t know parliamentary ways, Warisan shoots Yong


Former law minister Liew Vui Keong (left) says that SAPP leader Yong Teck Lee does not know the rights of a MP.

KOTA KINABALU: Former Law Minister Liew Vui Keong has defended Sabah’s Prime Minister Shafie Apdal for putting Sabah’s ties to Putrajaya at risk by participating in an attempt to overthrow Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

Liew said Shafie, as a deputy, had the right to make a motion in Parliament, and that he had not done so as prime minister.

The President of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), Yong Teck Lee, accused Shafie of “recklessly endangering” the state’s relationship with the federal government by participating in movements to overthrow Muhyiddin and replace him with Dr. Mahathir Mohamad through of a vote of confidence.

The motion of confidence proposed by Shafie, which Mahathir commanded the majority of the lower house, has been rejected by the President of Dewan Rakyat.

Liew said that Yong, a former prime minister, had made the accusation without knowing the right of a deputy.

“Yong has never been a deputy. You need to understand that parliamentary procedures entitle each parliamentarian to present their own motion, ”Warisan MP MP Batu Sapi said in a live video here today.

Warisan base leader Gary Dominic said Yong appeared to have backed down on his calls for autonomy by claiming that the state government’s sudden decision to allow most companies to reopen had created a lot of confusion.

“For many years, he had been fighting for it, screaming about it, and when the state government finally did something, he attacked the prime minister. Yong is obviously still dependent on and submissive to the federal government, ”he said.

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