Other sports: Wrestlers could lose wages for criticizing UFC COVID-19 security measures


(Reuters) – UFC fighters participating in the UFC 249 event in Florida could lose their purses and bonuses if they publicly criticize the health and safety precautions of fighting promotion for COVID-19, according to an event participation agreement seen by Reuters.

With sporting events canceled worldwide due to the new coronavirus outbreak, the UFC is organizing three letters in eight days in Jacksonville, Florida.

Before competing, the wrestlers who participated in the UFC 249 event on May 9 were asked to sign an agreement to participate in the eight-page event.

A no-disregard clause in the undated agreement states that “the Participant will not suggest or communicate to any person or entity” that the events “have taken place or will take place without due health, safety or other precautions, since whether in connection with COVID-19 or otherwise. “

The agreement goes on to say that if a wrestler fails to comply with this clause, “the Company may revoke all or part of any cash prizes or prizes won … including, but not limited to, purses, bonuses to win, others related to fighting bonuses and Event-based merchandise royalties. “

Although they signed exclusively for the promotion, the UFC fighters are independent contractors rather than employees, and the purses and bonuses form a significant part of the income of almost all the fighters on the list.

A UFC spokesperson declined to comment on the clause and the possibility of imposing sanctions on fighters, instead of referring to comments Dana White gave to Yahoo in which the UFC president said the fighters would not be punished for express your views on health and safety agreements. .

“If a wrestler says something that is not true, if he says we didn’t prove anyone for this, that (would violate the agreement). But if he said something that was true, his opinion, then that’s different.” White said.

In recent weeks, a fighter has expressed reservations about entering the cage during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heavyweight Greg Hardy, who suffers from asthma, said at a news conference on Thursday that he was “terrified” of the virus, but then competed on the UFC 249 card and won a decision victory over Yorgan De Castro.

A planned middleweight fight between Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza and Uriah Hall on Saturday was suspended after Souza tested positive for COVID-19 after his arrival in Florida.

(Report by Philip O’Connor; Christian Radnedge Edition)
