MCA is unaffected by ridicule on kopitiams or social media, says its sec-gen


MCA Secretary General Chong Sin Woon said that although Chinese support has waned, it has not affected his party’s commitment to serving the people. (Photo by Bernama)

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA will not be affected by the taunts thrown at it by certain people in the kopitiam media and on social media, says its general secretary Chong Sin Woon.

He said the party is often linked to negative labels such as being part of the so-called “back door government”, among others.

“That is our image, being the object of ridicule both for the users of kopitiam and for the users of social networks. I think everyone here has heard similar comments.

“But we don’t have to engage in such low-level debates because MCA is a service party, a party that has served the people since its inception,” he said today in his speech at the party’s 72nd anniversary celebrations.

He said that even though Chinese support has waned, it has not affected their commitment to continue serving the community and the country, adding that it was the party’s vote to uphold multi-racial values ​​and democracy in Malaysia.

Recalling the dismal performance of the MCA in the last general election (GE14) in 2018, Chong said that only one of its 39 candidates for parliamentary seats and two of the 90 for state assemblies won.

“This was without a doubt the saddest moment in the history of our party. This episode keeps me connected to the Chinese saying that people’s voices determine whether you float or sink.

“We have no choice but to fight to meet the needs of the people.

“More importantly, being a party based in China does not prevent us from fighting for the interests of other races,” he said.

Chong said it was more challenging for the party under the circumstances, as it faced both opposition attacks and the burden of preserving political stability.

He said they were aware that the current political landscape is full of uncertainties, adding that they had to do the right thing to regain the mandate of the people.

“If we serve the people and do the right thing, they will surely realize and realize that all the slander and insults thrown at MCA do not take away the sweat and tears in serving the people.

“So don’t lose hope, don’t stop working. We saw how Pakatan Harapan collapsed within two years due to its own greed and power struggles to a point where the people’s reform mandate was rejected. “

Chong said that MCA will use core values ​​such as freedom, democracy and justice to win back the support of Malaysians. These core values ​​were also those of the founding fathers of Malaysia.

“We will open a new page under the current difficult political climate for MCA to once again be the choice of Malaysians.”
