All NPRA Approved Covid-19 Vaccines, People Need Not Worry About Brands – PM


Kangar: People should not worry about the brands of Covid-19 vaccines used in the immunization program in the country, as each vaccine has been approved by the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA).

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said that all vaccines used in the National Covid-19 Immunization Program (Pick) have been tested as safe and effective by the agency.

“All (the vaccines) have been tested and approved and I am sure that when the management committee is correctly implementing the immunization program, it will give us many advantages.

“It means that if the number of Covid-19 cases decreases because many people receive their injections (of vaccines), the economy can reactivate faster, which will benefit people, since they could resume their work and earn a living while they companies can function as usual, ”he told reporters after visiting the Covid-19 Vaccine Administration Center at the Kampung Gial Health Clinic here today.

As such, he said that people from all walks of life are advised not to hesitate to sign up for vaccination on the MySejahtera app, even if they had to wait a long time for their turn.

“This is important for the country because we want at least 60 percent of people to receive the vaccine at this early stage so that we can achieve herd immunity, although our goal is to vaccinate 80 percent of the country’s population. .

“Once vaccinated, we may be allowed to travel … to take a trip abroad, one can be asked to present their vaccination record,” he said.

On the Malaysian Pharmacists Society’s request that community pharmacists be included among the recipients of the vaccine in Pick’s first phase, Muhyiddin said the matter could be referred to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and the Ministry of Health (MOH). .

“Some people want to get the vaccine earlier than others because they are dealing with a lot of people or face bigger threats as avant-garde … but everyone will get the vaccine eventually, just be a patient,” he added. – Called
