Malay, Pakistani woman found dead in KL apartment


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): A 53-year-old local woman was found dead with a 6-inch strangulation mark on her neck, while a Pakistani man was found hanged in his rented apartment in Jalan Seri Sentosa here on Saturday (February 28). ).

The body of the 41-year-old man was found in the living room while the body of the woman was in a bedroom of the house.

Brickfields District Police Chief, ACP, Anuar Omar, said the landlord informed police about the incident, after a tenant alerted her at 6:08 p.m.

“The last time that both victims were seen by the witness, who is also his housemate, was yesterday at 7.30 am before going to work and they were in good condition.

“Neighbors also said they did not hear any commotion or loud noises from the house,” it said in a statement.

Their identities were not released and police are still investigating the status of their relationship and the cause of the incident.

The bodies were sent to Kuala Lumpur Hospital for an autopsy and the case is being investigated under Article 302 of the Penal Code. – Bernama
