Durian trade hit by lockdown


Durian traders increasingly rely on China’s appetite for the world’s smelliest fruit.

RAUB: A prolonged lockdown has slowed domestic demand for durians and left traders more dependent on China’s appetite for the world’s smelliest fruit.

Fans love the “king of fruits” for its sweet and sour taste and creamy texture.

A first lockdown in Malaysia didn’t do much damage to demand, but a serious Covid-19 resurgence has prompted authorities to reimpose restrictions for a longer period, hitting the economy again and hitting the durian industry.

With roadside stalls where people eat fruit largely without customers, sales have plummeted.

“Compared to last year, local sales are not that good,” Eric Chan, trader and CEO of Dulai Fruits Enterprise, told AFP.

Here on the farm, some of the precious fruits are caught in nets spread out under the trees to ensure that they do not take any damage.

Many are destined for China, where the virus emerged but which has largely tamed its outbreak and is once again seeing economic growth.

“If there are no exports, or when there are no export stocks, the entire industry will collapse,” said Top Fruits CEO Tan Sue Sian.

The durian trade has exploded over the past decade, driven in large part by China’s growing appetite, and prices for the once-cheap fruit sold for RM 60 or more per kilo for certain types.

The fruit was once exported to China only as pulp and paste, but in 2019 officials allowed the shipment of frozen whole fruits, in a further boost for the industry.

Durians can be found at all times of the year, although the fruit has bountiful harvests at certain times.
