Ismail Sabri Files Police Report Claiming 2 Viral Videos Defame Him


Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s press secretary Azlina Md [email protected] with a copy of the report outside the Dang Wangi Police Station after filing the report on his behalf.

KUALA LUMPUR: An assistant to the Minister of Security, Ismail Sabri Yaakob, presented a police report on two viral videos that, according to the minister, are aimed at defaming him.

“The two videos not only tried to tarnish my reputation, they also tried to create racial discord,” Ismail said in a statement.

The statement was read by Ismail’s press secretary Azlina Md Rosdy @ Rozzy after she presented the report on behalf of the minister at the Dang Wangi police station here today.

The first video is a clip of Ismail at a press conference on April 14 last year in which he said that police will no longer impose compound fines on those caught violating the motion control order (MCO). Instead, they would be sent to pretrial detention and taken to court, where they could face a maximum of two years in prison.

Ismail said the video was distributed to make it look like he was speaking at a recent press conference and was aimed at confusing the rakyat into believing they would be jailed if they did not follow standard operating procedures (SOPs).

“It is an old video and the government has implemented several improvements to the SOPs.”

He said the second video titled “Make SOP Yourself, Tease Yourself” was a Sept. 15 recording of him at a dinner for the Warriors Fund Campaign, a donation drive for military veterans.

Ismail said the video was distributed to make it look like it took place at a Chinese New Year celebration this year.

“I want to emphasize that the dinner was held during the recovery period of the MCO when weddings and other ceremonies were also allowed. Therefore, the SOPs were not breached “

Ismail said the video could affect his credibility, as it appeared that the performance was held during the current MCO when such events are prohibited.
