Man sentenced to 1,050 years in prison, 24 strokes of the cane for raping his stepdaughter


KLANG (Bernama): The Court of Sessions here on Wednesday (January 27) sentenced a man to 1,050 years in prison and 24 strokes of the cane.

Judge Datin M. Kunasundary handed down the sentence after he pleaded guilty to raping his 14-year-old stepdaughter 105 times over a two-year period.

He ordered the defendant to serve 10 years in prison and two strokes of the baton for each rape count, and the sentence will run consecutively from the date of his arrest, on January 20.

Today’s process took almost five hours after each charge was read separately.

In passing the sentence, Kunasundary said that the crime was not only serious, it was abominable and had ruined the boy’s future.

“I hope he repents while in prison. He should not have committed a violent act and although the punishment is minimal, the court considers it sufficient considering the number of charges against him,” he said.

The unemployed man was accused of committing incest by raping his stepdaughter in a house in Petaling, Selangor from January 5, 2018 to February 24, 2020, under Section 376B of the Penal Code that establishes a jail sentence of no less 10 years old and no older than 30 years old, and spanking.

Previously, the deputy prosecutor Nurul Qistini Qamarul Abrar urged the court to impose a strong custodial sentence and maximum strokes of the baton on the defendant, taking into account the factor of public interest.

“The victim, in this case, was 12 years old when she was first raped by the defendant, who then continued to rape her 105 times over a two-year period.

“As the victim’s stepfather, he should have been responsible for protecting the victim, but instead destroyed his self-esteem. His action will cause lifelong trauma to the victim,” Nurul Qistini, who jointly prosecuted the case with the deputy. Prosecutor Mohamad Afiq Zuber.

“Incest cases are heinous and reprehensible crimes and are viewed seriously by all levels of society, regardless of religion,” said Nurul Qistini, who then urged the court that the sentences run consecutively.

The defendant, who was not represented, did not appeal the sentence.

Based on the facts of the case, the biological parents of the victims divorced in 2015 and the mother married the defendant in November 2016.

During the events, only the victim and the accused were in the house and she had never told anyone about the rapes since the accused had threatened and beaten her.

The girl only revealed the incidents after her mother took her and her younger sister to her aunt’s house.- Bernama
