Slap on the wrist for the VIPs, but a victory for rakyat


YOUR OPINION The | “If we had not persisted, no action would have been taken against them.”

MCO Offense: Zahid’s daughter, her husband pleaded guilty, fined RM800 each

Vijay47: The daughter of Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was charged in court, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a RM800 fine.

I won’t go into this due process any further, although it would have been lovely if she, too, was punished for a brief jail term of about 10 years or so. That is, after being held in stock and flogged a few dozen times. Gently and lovingly, of course.

My question is, why did you plead guilty, Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid? I remember when the news first broke that you broke the Motion Control Order (MCO) rules, you were very challenging In this regard, insisting that he had permission to be wandering the streets and wherever he wants. So why this change of heart?

Oh yes, now I understand, was that Sydney Carton “What you do is much, much better”, that during these difficult times of viruses, your patriotism forces you not to waste your court time and hence the “Saya mengaku salah, Yang Arif”. Sheriff, pass the tissue paper, please. Yes, the nine boxes.

You may want to note, Nurulhidayah, that while you and your husband were accused, only you are the target of all the numerous spikes, arrows, and slingshots. Her poor husband only has one standing paper.

If you had been a simple makcik from KampungNo one would have bothered. On the contrary, many would have pitied you. No, you had to be the equally nasty daughter of your nasty father, you had to show the familiar arrogance of being above and beyond the law that applies only to commoners who eat cakes.

But as the fable ends, it serves you well. Did I say Sydney Carton? Maybe I was referring to Mother Teresa.

Rupert16: Why is RM800 okay and not RM1,000 like most of the others who were caught cheating on the MCO?

In any case, Zahid’s daughter should receive a considerable fine for her arrogant and insolent behavior when informed of her rape.

New day: Oh well, a small measure of satisfaction. The day he posted on Instagram, bragging about his personal importance, he wouldn’t have imagined the end result to be a court appearance a few weeks later.

It is sad that if it had not been for the efforts of the online community, PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) would have done nothing.

Anonymous 770241447347646: Whether it’s RM1 or RM800, the public should be congratulated for putting pressure on all VIP calls brought before the justice system.

RM800 is food for chickens as there is a VIP who stated that RM2 million was pocket money to the.

The fact that they were found guilty and paid a fine is a victory for the people. If they had not persisted, no action would have been taken against them.

They must continue the work of exposing anyone’s crimes, no matter how high their position in society is.

Keep posing problems and don’t be silent. Otherwise, these so-called VIPs will think they can get away with it and go on to bigger crimes like the 1MDB fiasco.

Ciclonus: Umno President’s daughter fining RM800 for violating MCO? That is inhuman and disrespectful.

Let me remind you all that she is a direct descendant of the reigning warlord and that she must be treated with the status to which she is entitled with all rights and privileges. Who are we but mere mortals to pass judgment on it?

In fact, she should be jailed for mocking the MCO and challenging the rakyat to make a police report against him. Commoners like us would have spent the nights on the road pending blockade.

GooseNBanter: The police personnel who granted them permission should also be questioned.

Was it a life or death situation? An emergency? Attend the final rites of a deceased relative? Buying / picking up vital drugs from the hospital / pharmacy?

Do the hosts of those ministries realize that, as government officials, it was wrong not to have postponed your “invitation appointment” because of your MCO?

What was the reason for the urgency of making that appointment that required a police permit to replace a national MCO and put at risk all those who were in contact with her and her husband during that day in the administrative capital?

He specifically mentioned that the trip was “visiting a dear family friend and exchanging opinions and ideas.” This could have been done online. Why risk such a great risk to themselves and to others?

It will be an insult to the laws of the land, and most importantly, to all the other Malays who served their sentences behind bars, handcuffs, chains and dressed in prison standards if this woman gets out of there with only a fine. from RM800. . Or even a RM30,000 fine for that matter.

Malaysia must be fair to them; They should be given time in the slammer to contemplate, feel ashamed of their betrayal of Malaysia, repent and do better after six months.

Unspin: To calm this unfair situation, I propose that the Deputy Minister for the Environment and Water, Ahmad Masrizal Muhammad, donate an equivalent RM800 fund to the Ministry of Health to purchase more personal protective equipment (PPE) for our heroic leaders.

This is because he was the one who invited “his royal highness” to his ministry during the MCO period to presumably discuss the life or death issue of how we can totally eliminate the plastic waste thrown into our rivers.

Anonymous_f0124ca6: Nurulhidayah went to Putrajaya at the invitation of the deputy minister to discuss the Earth Day celebrations. How ironic.

He could have sent an email or a phone to convey his views of esteem and made a great contribution to save Mother Earth without posing a risk to the health of others.

We should nominate her for the Noble Prize for the environment. Or maybe he’ll replace Khairy Jamaluddin as minister of science and technology. Your future looks bright. She will stand out among the great environmentalists of our time.

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