Agong urges Malaysians to put aside differences in the fight against Covid-19


KUALA LUMPUR: The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah (pix) today urged Malaysians to put aside political, racial and religious differences in the fight against Covid-19, which continues to record positive four-digit cases daily since late last year.

The Comptroller of the Royal House of Istana Negara, Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin, said His Majesty was confident that with the support and cooperation of all parties, the country will be able to flatten the curve of Covid-19 infection again and alleviate it. . the burden the avant-garde bear.

His Majesty also expressed concern about the increased need for intensive care and the use of beds in intensive care units (ICUs), especially in the Klang Valley, which saw a sharp increase in positive cases, said Ahmad Fadil.

“Due to the increasing need for intensive care and the use of ICU beds, critically ill Covid-19 patients must be placed in other government hospitals and this could affect the treatment of patients who do not have Covid-19,” he said. Al Sultan Abdullah in a statement issued by Istana Negara today.

Yesterday, the country recorded 3,306 cases of new Covid-19 infections, while 15 Covid-19 hospitals reported more than 70 percent of Covid-19 bed use (not ICU).

Ahmad Fadil also said that Al-Sultan Abdullah also expressed his sadness to see those who are still callous in their daily actions, especially adherence to the new rules, and self-discipline to slow the spread of the pandemic.

“In this regard, Al-Sultan Abdullah calls on Malaysians to show solidarity and full support to the leaders by working together, with self-discipline, in compliance with all directives set by the government and standard operating procedures (SOPs),” he said . ..

Ahmad Fadil added that His Majesty also called on everyone to pray together that the vanguards are always protected, that all efforts made by all parties in the fight against Covid-19 are blessed and successful and that the country is always protected and be free. soon from this pandemic.

He also said that His Majesty understood the great challenges facing the heroes and heroines on the country’s front line, and hoped that they would persevere in the fight against the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Al-Sultan Abdullah highly commends the sacrifices made by leaders for the safety of the people, in taking responsibility for curbing the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as treating patients infected with the potentially fatal disease.

“His Majesty therefore expressed his hope that all Malaysians will appreciate the strong and combative spirit of the vanguards, as the country’s main line of defense since the start of the pandemic early last year. In fact, the hard work of front-line leaders should be commended and continue to be appreciated, ”he said. – Called
