MCO 2.0: PM announces RM15bil worth of aid packages


PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced on Monday (January 18) the “Perlindungan Ekonomi dan Rakyat Malaysia (Permai)” assistance package worth $ 15 billion.

In a special speech, Muhyiddin said that the government had already announced four economic stimulus packages worth RM305bil earlier.

Muhyiddin said that a total of 22 initiatives will be implemented under Permai, based on the three main goals, namely: Combat the Covid-19 outbreak, safeguard people’s well-being and support business continuity.

As daily Covid-19 cases in the country hit record levels, the Federal Territories and six states have been placed under the movement control order in an effort to break the chain of infections.

Malaysia’s new daily Covid-19 toll surpassed the 4,000 mark for the first time on Saturday (January 16), with a record 4,029 cases.

The country has reported 155,095 cases of the virus since the start of the pandemic last year.

These are the highlights:

A one-time payment of RM 500 per all frontline doctors, RM300 to be delivered in Q1 2021

A total of 3,500 health workers will be recruited, RM 150 million allocated

Three agreements signed with vaccine producers: the first batch of vaccines will arrive next month

Additional allocation of RM800mil for the Ministry of Health (for supplies including additional reagents, detection kits and PPE equipment)

RM200 thousand for the National Security Council and other relevant agencies

RM3bil for the National Covid-19 Immunization Program.

The banks will continue to offer the moratorium service, including the extension of the moratorium and the restructuring of the loan repayment

Credit counseling to be provided by phone and online

Tax exemptions for computers, mobile phones and tablets worth less than RM2,500 that will be extended until December 31, 2021

The Department of Social and Social Welfare (JKM) will implement an immediate food basket program that will provide essential food worth RM 100 for each eligible household, which implies a total allocation of RM 50 million.

The government will allocate RM25mil under the GLIC / GLC Disaster Relief Network, which includes the provision of community assistance to the elderly, the homeless, the disabled, and flood victims.

The 1 Gigabit free data initiative will run until the end of April 2021.

PTPTN borrowers affected by the pandemic or floods can request a three-month PTPTN loan forbearance. The request for this moratorium can be made until March 31, 2021.

Socso’s 3.0 salary grant program will be enhanced: aAll employers operating in the MCO states will be eligible to apply, regardless of industry.

The government allocates 24 million ringgit to finance the full contribution under Socso’s Social Security Scheme for Self-Employment for delivery passengers.

The government will expand Prihatin Special Grant Plus assistance to cover 500,000 SMEs in the seven MCO states with a payment of RM 1,000 each, while 300,000 SMEs in other states will receive RM 500 each.

A one-time financial assistance of RM500 for 14,000 tour guides, as well as 118,000 taxi drivers, school buses, tour buses, rental cars and electronic call vehicles, with an additional allocation of RM66mil.

Special 10% discount on electricity bills from January to March 2021 to six commercial sectors nationwide, which include hotel operators, theme parks, convention centers, shopping centers, local airline offices, as well as travel agencies and tourism.

More to come
