BewhY and Khundi Panda’s Agency Apologizes For Their Inappropriate Attitude On “Kiss The Radio”


BewhY and Khundi Panda are under fire for their alleged rude attitude and behavior on “DAY6’s Kiss the Radio”.

On January 15, the two rappers appeared as guests on the radio show where they turned down multiple requests from fans and used inappropriate language.

A fan asked them to rap live, but Khundi Panda replied, “I forgot the lyrics. I want to do it, but I’ll practice and do it next time. “When DAY6’s radio host Young K asked BewhY to try an acrostic, the rapper firmly refused and said,” It’s impossible. “

Another listener asked, “How about they rap each other’s songs? It will be possible? To that, they responded: “Is it possible? We didn’t practice that before, so we probably can’t do it today. “

A fan asked Khundi Panda to say her name and added that it is her wish for the new year. To that, he replied: “I don’t feel like doing it,” but in the end he did it reluctantly.

The two rappers also used inappropriate language for radio shows, which Young K had to rephrase in a way suitable for broadcast. In addition, they filmed the study with their cell phones and did not leave them silent during the radio show.

On January 16, their agency Dejavu Group issued an apology on their behalf. They said, “Our artists BewhY and Khundi Panda appeared on ‘DAY6’s Kiss the Radio’ on January 15 at 10 p.m. KST and made listeners uncomfortable with their inappropriate attitude. We sincerely apologize for that. “

They continued, “We apologize for the inconvenience that everyone including DAY6’s Young K, ‘DAY6’s Kiss the Radio’ staff, and DAY6’s fans have experienced. We reviewed the content of the program and reflected on the discomfort that the listeners may have felt ”.

The label added, “We personally reached out to the production team and DJ to express our sincere apologies, and we are sorry we were late as we needed to take the time to offer our sincerest apologies. We hope this can somehow appease those who have been disappointed or uncomfortable with the broadcast, and once again we apologize for everything. “

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