Five MSN officials tested positive for Covid-19


KUALA LUMPUR, January 7: Five officials from the National Sports Council (MSN) tested positive for COVID-19 through the test results obtained today.

Their CEO, Datuk Ahmad Shapawi Ismail, said they were among 75 officials and staff who underwent screening tests on Tuesday, after seven athletes and one official tested positive during the recent athlete re-registration process.

“Three of them were involved during the athlete registration management process and it is likely that two more have been infected from outside,” he said in a statement today.

Ahmad Shapawi said that all those who tested positive are now in quarantine in their respective homes and are awaiting further instructions from the Ministry of Health (MINSA).

“The MSN has also instructed officials who have likely had close contact with those who tested positive to quarantine themselves in their respective homes for 10 days, and will undergo screening tests on the ninth day to confirm infection. .

“After discussing and receiving advice from the Ministry of Health, the workplaces of the officials who tested positive will be closed for the sanitation process. This matter will be implemented immediately, ”said Ahmad Shapawi.

Ahmad Shapawi assured that all MSN officials and staff are often reminded to comply with all standard operating procedures (SOPs) and instructions issued by the Ministry of Health.

He said that MSN is always fully committed to complying with all SOPs marked so that there are no other infections among its officials and staff, including national athletes.- Bernama
