DAP MP Says Nora Anne Quoirin’s Parents Should Have Been Investigated for Negligence in Teen Death | Malaysia


Teresa Kok said authorities did not consider possible parental negligence when investigating the death of special needs teenager Nora Anne Quoirin.  - Photograph by Miera Zulyana
Teresa Kok said authorities did not consider possible parental negligence when investigating the death of special needs teenager Nora Anne Quoirin. – Photograph by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, January 5 – Authorities did not consider possible parental negligence in investigating the death of special needs teenager Nora Anne Quoirin, Seputeh deputy Teresa Kok said.

Expressing disappointment at yesterday’s Coroner’s Court verdict that Quoirin’s death was a misfortune, he said it is untenable to conclude that no one is responsible for the 15-year-old’s death.

“In fact, the verdict has thrown many doubts and questions that answers to all the facts alleged. Furthermore, the coroner had missed the golden opportunity to pursue the absolute and indisputable material angle of parental negligence, ”Kok said in a statement.

Kok asked why the court failed to examine the plausibility of the parental negligence, citing several apparent contradictions and unusual circumstances that were also reported in the news.

“Nora’s parents have always claimed that Nora could not walk unaided for no more than 20 feet, but this claim was contradicted when evidence from the video clip of the closed circuit television (CCTV) recording on KLIA showed that Nora could even Bring your own luggage and walked unaided a distance much longer than 20 feet.

“She did not show any signs of difficulty walking. The statement of his parents in the investigation seems to contradict the statement of the police in the Investigating Court, ”he said.

Kok also noted that the statement from Nora’s parents had misled police in their initial search for the teenager, as Nilai Police Chief Superintendent Mohd Nor Marzukee was reported to have said that the police decided that the area of search would expand significantly from four to six. square kilometers previously to 20 square kilometers.

“The radius to nearby Gunung Berembun was only extended on the eighth day of Nora’s disappearance, after the police saw KLIA CCTV footage indicating that Nora can walk unaided for a certain distance.

“The question is why did his parents lie to the police? In any case, the parents did not tell the police the truth from day one. Therefore, one can only draw a logical conclusion that the police have been deceived, from day one, and this has clearly compromised police investigations and search strategies. she said.

Kok said it sounded incredible that a shy girl with a learning disability could wander alone from the Village into the jungle, probably naked and without shoes.

He also cited Irish lawyer and child activist Anne Brennan’s argument that Quoirin’s family may have been complicit in the disappearance and death of the teenager, adding that it should not be ruled out.

“On the basis of the above, therefore, I strongly urge the police to re-investigate this most unfortunate incident of poor Nora from all angles,” Kok said.

Quoirin, a Franco-Irish citizen, disappeared from the Dusun resort in Negri Sembilan in August 2019 while on vacation with her family, resulting in a 10-day hunt with helicopters, sniffer dogs and hundreds of seekers.

His body was discovered near the jungle retreat and an autopsy found that he had died of hunger-related internal bleeding after spending about a week in the dense rainforest.

Police had ruled out the kidnapping as a motive, saying they found no signs of foul play, but Quoirin’s family questioned the findings, insisting that he had never left them of his own accord before.

In yesterday’s verdict, Coroner Maimoonah Aid said that the injuries suffered by Quoirin were likely self-inflicted and did not involve any third parties.

Fifteen days after Quoirin’s disappearance and several days after her remains were found, Brennan claimed in a Facebook post that the teenager’s family was doing everything possible to subvert the course of justice.

He found the family’s decision to leave Malaysia with Nora Anne’s body highly suspicious, adding that her parents, Meabh and Sebastien, left almost immediately after they were assured that they would not be investigated for their role in the disappearance and death of his daughter.

Brennan also claimed that the Quoirin somehow convinced Malaysian authorities to drop the murder investigation and release Nora’s body without producing the necessary forensic and toxicology reports that are part of any standard criminal death investigation.
