PM launches 100 million trees campaign


Muhyiddin planting the Merbau tree to start the 100 million tree planting campaign at his Seri Perdana residence. (Named image)

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin planted a Merbau tree today in the garden of Seri Perdana, his official residence, to kick off the 2020-2025 100 million tree planting campaign.

The Prime Minister called on people to participate in the campaign and ensure the success of the agenda to make Malaysia green.

“To all Malaysians, let us unite to ensure the success of the green Malaysia agenda by planting 100 million trees across the country by 2025,” he said when launching the campaign, as well as its mobile app and special website.

Also present were Minister of Energy and Natural Resources (Ketsa) Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, Deputy Minister Ali Biju, Chief Government Secretary Zuki Ali and Ketsa Secretary General Zurinah Pawanteh.

The campaign was also launched simultaneously at the state level with the theme “Greening Malaysia: Our Trees, Our Life”.

Muhyiddin said the program would preserve the country’s biological diversity while improving the quality of the environment and rivers.

The campaign, organized by Ketsa in cooperation with the forestry department, state forestry departments, the Malaysian Forest Research Institute and state governments, aims to plant 100 million trees across the country over the next five years.

“The campaign is expected to contribute to carbon sequestration by plants by between 30 million tons in urban areas and 85 million tons in forest and other areas per year,” he said.

The prime minister said that he also aimed to protect the country’s natural resources in all socio-economic development activities and maintain Malaysia’s global recognition as one of 12 mega-diverse countries.

So far, he said, Malaysia has managed to record 55.3% forest cover in line with the promise made at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to keep at least 50% of the country’s land mass under cover. forest.

Muhyiddin, who called on individuals, businesses and corporate bodies to support the national agenda, said: “Let’s start our New Year 2021 resolution by greening Malaysia! Our trees, our life! “
