The Ministry of Education publishes frequently asked questions about the operation of educational institutions


PETALING JAYA: The Ministry of Education has published some frequently asked questions related to the operation of educational institutions for this year registered with the Ministry.

Below are questions and answers:

Q: Does the operation of educational institutions involve all categories of private institutions (IPS)?

A: Yes, the operation involves all IPSs, including kindergartens, schools and centers.

Q: Can IPS operate face to face?

A: Yes, subject to the guidelines issued by the ministry on October 5, 2020. The guidelines can be viewed at

Q: When can IPS start face-to-face trading?

A: IPS will operate based on its respective academic calendar, with the exception of schools that follow the national curriculum. These schools, which include primary and secondary schools, and religious primary and secondary schools, must follow the academic calendar of national schools and government-assisted schools, which will begin operations on January 20.

For more information on the academic calendar, see

Q: Are private kindergartens allowed to run face-to-face before January 20?

A: Yes.

Q: Are private IPSs under conditional motion control areas allowed to operate face to face?

A: Yes, and IPS private operations are subject to the guidelines issued by the ministry on October 5, 2020. The guidelines can be viewed at sekolah-norma-baharu.

Q: Can IPS continue to teach and learn from home?

A: Yes.
