What did they say about the politicians who head the GLC?


YOUR OPINION | ‘PN appointed Tajuddin because he is an Umno person. This is PN’s survival strategy. ‘

LRT3 firms want government help while Prasarana, led by Tajuddin, withholds payments of 700 million ringgit

Vijay47: The fear of the law and its application on those who break it has long since dissipated. Now even the pretense of meeting minimum standards of integrity is dispensed with and we are witnessing the blatant abuse of authority to serve personal and family greed.

For those focused on looting the national coffers, they do so with the understandable confidence that running with criminals in power is the guarantee that they would be left beyond investigation.

On the rare occasions that they do, police action is mysteriously met with a conclusion called NFA (no further action) under the strangest of justifications. Being dragged to court? Please.

The flavor of the past few months is a dish called DNAA (Dismissal Not Equivalent) that only gets worse when criminals convicted of multiple charges are welcomed and celebrated as heroes and patriots. Guilt is nothing to be ashamed of.

Readers may have been lost Malaysiakini’s more informative and damning report on the LRT3-Prasanna conflict. They would be excited to learn of the accusations of threats made by a certain politician to demand that certain election contracts be awarded to the people he has in his favor.

Can the collapse of the country surprise us? Nothing seems to be off limits and those who shout the loudest calls for the reunion of race and religion are the same accomplices in countless crimes. They are less concerned when even the institutions supposedly established to protect faith and race are looted.

Was there a sound about what happened to Tabung Haji, Mara, and Felda? Unbelievably, did anyone protest desecration of halal status for an astonishing 40 years?

Smoke and convenient mirrors is to turn against bewildered non-Malays, knowing that the prime minister would be nowhere to be found. Turn on the most Gordian net and the “get out of jail” pass is of course religion and nation. It still seems to work!

PW Cheng: Despite so many complaints and attention paid to the massive abuse of power and corruption, they show no signs of slowing down, but the shenanigans continue unabated and in broad daylight and the prime minister is turning a blind eye to all of this.

What is happening in this country with all the politicians of Perikatan Nasional (PN) abandoned by God?

New Year: Who will investigate? MACC? All Tajuddin has to do is withdraw his support and the PN administration would collapse.

So all these allegations and withholding payments will be quietly addressed. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is not in a position to assert his authority as Umno and his warlords challenge him for ransom.

Either he gives in to the demands of Tajuddin (and other high-ranking Umno warlords) or he will have to face the consequences.

YellowKancil0051: Despite this report, PN will not take any action against the President of Prasarana, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman.

MACC will be told to stand down and the attorney general (AG) will say ‘no further action’ even if the anti-corruption commission investigated the case.

With convicts like former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and former Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor still walking free, what else can we hope for?

Muhyiddin cannot afford to have his MPs behind bars, not to mention that the trial of Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is ongoing.

Meanwhile, former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng will stand trial on ridiculous grounds for alleged corruption in the Penang Underwater Tunnel project for soliciting profits that do not exist.

In Malaysia today, up is down and down is up.

Mohd Bakri 3: What did they say a while ago about the appointment of politicians to lead the GLC (companies linked to the government) and what not? To ensure that these entities are driven in accordance with the government’s vision? Is that so?

If so, does it mean that the government’s vision is for related parties to be subcontractors and then these sub-cons can go back to sub-contra to the original sub-contra?

I think, therefore I exist: PN appointed Tajuddin because he is an Umno person. This is part of PN’s survival strategy.

But the man appointed to lead Prasanara wants a quid pro quo in return. And the dominoes begin to fall because the piper has not paid his fees.

Dr. Raman: All citizens have the legal capacity to seek redress in court, both the taxpayers who pay and those who should receive the benefits due.

We can no longer trust politicians. Checking and balancing by voting every five years doesn’t work because after the elections, everyone becomes frogs, not legislators.

The law is clear. Stealing taxpayers’ money and profits is a heinous crime. But AG will not act, it has to depend on MACC, police, etc. and you know what happens.

When Parliament allocates public funds through a supply budget, it is under strict conditions / written instructions that they will be used for the purpose and by the persons indicated.

If only half of a social benefit reaches the people and the rest is diverted, then the people who are defrauded can sue. This is the basic contract law.

MACC can only do so much. Audit reports are discarded by these same ‘thieves’ in Parliament, as well as reports from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

I hope the attorneys here are able to share their thoughts. I am willing to contribute to a fund for this purpose. As soon as we present this public interest case, we can see the panic, no matter winning or losing.

We cannot continue like this, venting our anger on a case by case basis, and no one gives a damn what we say. Let’s focus our energy on this.

Cyclone: We do not need a virus to kill the companies and the economy in Malaysia. We have something better.

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