Move with the times, says LKS at a communist-themed cafe


PETALING JAYA: The Special Branch should not suspect a communist under each table, but move on with the times, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang (pix) said today.

He was commenting on a report that a café operator in Penang is being investigated for decorating two of its outlets with communist-themed wallpaper.

“The Special Brigade in the early years would not have reacted in such a way as to consider a blatant food advertisement to promote Chinese communism,” DAP deputy Iskandar Puteri said in a statement.

“Malaysia and China have established diplomatic relations for 46 years since 1974 and both countries must maintain strong and close economic ties.”

Wallpaper images with drawings of the late Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong and also depicting elements of communism have gone viral since yesterday.

The head of the State Criminal Investigations Department, SAC Rahimi Ra’ais, said that the outlets, located in Juru on the mainland and Pulau Tikus on the island, are owned by a 40-year-old man.

“The police have recorded statements from several people, including workers from both outlets to facilitate investigations, but not from the owner, as he is currently in a two-week quarantine from Covid-19,” he told Bernama today.

Investigations revealed that the Pulau Tikus store has been operating since 2016, while Juru’s since 2019, but the wallpaper was recently put up, he said.

Police detained them yesterday, Rahimi said.

He said the case is being investigated under Section 47 of the Companies Act of 1966 for publishing propaganda of an illegal society and Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code for making, publishing or circulating any statement, rumor or report with the intention causing, or likely to cause fear or alarm to the public.
