First local vaccine approved | The star


BEIJING: China announced that it had granted a conditional marketing authorization for its first self-developed Covid-19 vaccine.

The vaccine, which was approved by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), is developed by Beijing Biological Products Institute Co Ltd under the China National Biotec Group, which is affiliated with Sinopharm. The interim results of its phase 3 clinical trials show 79.34% efficacy against Covid-19, complying with the standards of the World Health Organization and NMPA, according to a press conference held yesterday by the joint prevention and control mechanism of the Council of State against Covid-19.

“This vaccine will be provided free of charge to all Chinese,” said Zeng Yixin, deputy director of the National Health Commission, at the press conference.

Since July, several Chinese vaccine candidates have conducted overseas phase 3 clinical trials, Zeng said, adding that China has been at the global forefront of Covid-19 vaccine development.

After the vaccines are approved to enter the market, China will comprehensively vaccinate older people, people with underlying conditions and the general public, he added. – Xinhua
