COVID-19: Malaysia’s recovery movement control order extended again to March 31


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s motion control order (RMCO) recovery phase has been extended to March 31, 2021, Chief Minister (Security Group) Ismail Sabri Yaakob said on Friday (January 1).

He said that the decision was made after a risk assessment conducted by the Ministry of Health (MINSA), which found that there was still a significant increase in COVID-19 cases nationwide, with a high rate of infectivity.

“This order has been published in the Federal Government Gazette,” he said in a statement on Friday.

“The increase in the number of cases has been contributed by the implementation of mandatory screening tests on foreign workers carried out on a large scale, as well as the spread of the infection within the community, especially in the Klang Valley and several states.” .

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On Thursday, Malaysia reported a record number of daily COVID-19 infections since the pandemic began, with 2,525 new cases.

Malaysia entered the RMCO phase on June 10, where almost all social, educational, religious and business activities, as well as economic sectors, progressively reopened. Interstate travel was also allowed while the country’s borders remained closed.

Previously, the RMCO was scheduled to end on December 31, 2020.

According to Ismail Sabri, all standard operating procedures under RMCO will apply during the period and are subject to change to be announced from time to time.

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