What ‘kamikaze’ are you talking about, Puad?


YOUR OPINION | “Umno committed suicide the moment the 2021 budget was approved.”

Puad urges BN deputies to ‘kamikaze’ and overthrow prime minister for i-Sinar, moratorium

Jetson: Easier said than done by someone who doesn’t hold any elected representative office.

Who expects Puad Zarkashi, a member of the Umno high council, to sacrifice his posts and benefits?

Who would step down from lucrative positions and wait for some of the RM300 billion federal budget to reach them? Only a fool would. What ‘kamikaze’ are you talking about, Puad?

‘Kamikaze’? Umno committed suicide the moment the 2021 budget was approved. He committed suicide the moment he put hundreds of billions of ringgit in the hands of Bersatu to use as he saw fit.

Her man is in charge of the Treasury, and he will only be released once the finance minister is sure where the funds will go.

Secondly, there are Umno ministers and MPs would prefer to support Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin as their leader because of the positions and advantages they enjoy. So the actual number of Umno MPs left on his side of the party is actually very few.

The fact is, this budget is designed to prepare Bersatu, along with PAS, to win as many secure seats as possible in the 15th general election.

In urban areas where Umno may be fighting, PAS and Bersatu have prepared them for an uphill battle due to their actions and statements made to provoke the ire of non-Malays.

So, a ‘kamikaze’ has already been prepared at GE15 for the Umno MPs who remain a thorn in the side of Muhyiddin’s leadership.

Doc: With all the ultimatums and threats from former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, but when push came to shove, ‘Bossku’ stuck his tail between his legs and voted for Muhyiddin’s 2021 Budget.

Hugs and kisses: These latest shenanigans from Umno should now sound stale and hollow.

Umno is simply willing to manipulate the desperate in Pakatan Harapan, as well as squeeze and extract every pound of meat from the prime minister who takes power.

The leaders of Umno only exploit the Malay masses for their own benefit. Do they really care how the Malaysian masses suffer? Just look at Tabung Haji, Felda, etc.

Umno has already stated that they will never work with DAP. Is this possible in the current circumstances where DAP has more or less the same number of deputies as Umno in the current Parliament?

The desperate in Harapan should let Umno ‘the same shiok. Be real and move on.

GrayFalcon6142: Whatever words come out of the BN leaders’ mouths will no longer be seen as having good intentions to benefit the rakyat.

The general perception is that they are yelling loudly to get noticed and get generous benefits and gifts from Muhyiddin.

The more words come out of Puad, former Johor menteri kissing Khaled Nordin, former Pulai Nur MP Jazlan Mohamed, Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah or former Menteri Negeri Sembilan kissing Mohamad Hasan, the more annoying they sound. They just want more and more for themselves from the government.

Even Harapan politicians should ignore them, or they could fall back into a political trap. These are a bunch of BN pranksters who have been sidelined by their own party, so let’s just leave them be.

Brown Falcon4984: Umno MPs want positions and advantages. That’s really what matters, not i-Sinar.

Umno had a chance in the budget session, but they played opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Now no one will trust Umno.

Salvage Malaysia: Bersatu’s hardline stance so far is because his reading is that BN MPs will not have the guts to ‘kamikaze’ and give up the advantages they are now enjoying.

And guess what? Muhyiddin has been right so far. BN MPs with benefits and positions don’t care about rakyat, they only care about themselves.

Have fun convincing them to leave Perikatan Nasional (PN).

Heron: Puad’s stated interest and intention has merit in the argument of the many reasons to adequately prove the legitimacy of the PN.

The nation would be well served by a general election, as that would give credit to whoever gets the majority and remove the supposed stain.

Malay1: A Harapan government remains the nation’s best bet. Efficient, slim and progressive. It was ‘kamikaze’ to overthrow him. Now you can do a double kamikaze now. It’s really pathetic.

Have you ever stopped to consider the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) reasoning about i-Sinar? Just look for an excuse to create trouble. Any new government must be Harapan or Harapan Plus.

WhiteKnight7895: Puad and Umno are starting a new game for our end of the year fun, and their demands sound so stupid and pathetic.

He first overthrew a legally elected Harapan federal government with traitors jumping off the ship, all to form PN by shedding his support for Bersatu’s thugs.

Despite all the weaknesses of the 2021 Budget, its unethical MPs did everything they could to support the unfair, unfair, racial and discriminatory budget. And now you are talking nonsense demanding that support be withdrawn to take down the PN!

You pea-brained politicians of Umno must think that the rakyat is a bunch of fools to trust an unprincipled party that is filled with a bunch of clowns and corrupt criminals awaiting sentence.

You, the elites of Umno, should go ahead and ‘kamikaze’ en bloc. This is what you get for supporting Muhyiddin and his bandits who betrayed the trust of the rakyat, the rakyat who elected a legitimate Harapan government.

Note to Harapan: stay away from this trap by avoiding comment and enjoy the end of the year holidays in peace.

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